Home Opinion Featured Articles A Brief History Of  King Sao Boso

A Brief History Of  King Sao Boso

                         National Museum of Liberia 
                         National Museum of Liberia 

Not very often we find time to read pages from Liberian history. But along the pages of Liberian history are many movers and shakers that were in the thick of things in the build-up to formation of what is now called Liberia. Tom Thomas of our staff takes us down memory lane as he unravels a brief exploit of the reverred traditional leader of substance, King Sao Boso.Please read on.  

Sao Boso was leader of the Condo Federation, which was basically based in Northern and Western Liberia before the arrival of the settlers. The King, who was from the Mandingo extraction and of the Muslim faith, was the leader that came from the current Gbarpolu capital, Bopolu, to Monrovia in order to bring together the settlers and the native people in the area, beseeching them to consider each other as members of one African legacy. 

   Sao Boso earlier led a combined army of Mandingo, Lorma and Gbandi warriors from Upper Lofa to set up a safekeeping corridor for traders and travelers along the highway involving Lofa and the coastal areas by way of current day Gbarpolu County. 

   When the truth and appreciative discussions were held in what is today Vai Town in Monrovia, dealing with the conflict between the settlers and the Dei/ Bassa people, the various councils, no doubt, drew on the ethical wisdom of their religious background; Sao Boso being a Muslim, the settlers being Christians, and the Mamba and Bassa people belonging to their African spiritual religion were able to eventually forge a pact of understanding for unity to prevail among the people.

   Whether the principles of these three religions have translated into a clean system of control and governance with equal rights among the people can be visibly seeing in the existence of Liberia today.

   Sao Boso’s ability to put together an associate type administration of autonomous chieftaincies with a leg on each side of the vast territory from the then Tuma River to the Coast, and from the Lofa River in the West to the St. Paul River, contributed immensely to the attainment of a cohesive country now called Liberia.

    Sao Boso brought together his rivals in one management, including Chief Zuwulo of  Fuama, grandfather of the late Senator Botoe Barclay of Bong County. The events and peace efforts of the King were distinctly recognized about 150 years later when a successor of the settlers, President William R. Tolbert, renamed Front Street in Monrovia as King Sao Boso Street. 

   Okay indeed, if we had taken practical lessons of mutual absorption from the Bassa Chief  Zangar who preached the ideals of unity and addition between the settlers and the indigenes, we would have had an unlike Liberia today.

         In fact, King Sao Boso was one local chief that intermingled with many traditional chiefs of Liberia and African intellectuals who were the forerunners of the intellectual exploits of Liberia.

       For example, George Padmore, William E. B. Dubois  Edward Wilmot Blyden were some of the most ardent intellectual advocates for the adjustment of the rich African culture among the settlers. 

   Benjamin J. K. Anderson, a middle level official in the government of President James Spriggs Payne, alleged in the growth of Liberia by the involving of the interior people with the coastal settlers, with guidance from King Sao Boso’s son, Sao Momolu, BJK. 

    Anderson traveled to the Western Mandingoes in Musardu, where the Mandingo Chief, Vabulaye Dulleh expressed enthusiasm in becoming part of the emerging Liberia. 

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  1. Sao Boso was not a mandingo man as the name is not in Mandingo tradition. 80% of Liberian think that all Muslims are Mandingo It is the Via that brought Islam to what is now Liberia. Where ever a mandingo warrior moves he was accompany not by Via, Lorma, or Dei/Bassa people, but my Mandingo people as was Samori Toure, The Liberian history was manipulated by ambitious politicians.

  2. KIng Boso was never a mandingo man , stop the lies these are fake or oral history which are very unreliable . Like story of winnbo Toe with huge fabrication.

  3. Historically you are correct. For someone to sit here and say that King Sao Bosso Kamara or(Musa Kamara) was never a Mandingo is sading and regrettable. Oral history might not be reliable or some of them may have been forgetten, but the name of the place where King Boswain came from is still existing up to today. You can go there and do your own fact finding. The name Bosso came from Boswain and the name Boswain mean someone that take care of cargos. B

  4. King Sao boso was Mandingo,,
    Stop saying that he was not dingo,,
    You don’t know yr history,,
    Go and learn more brother…

  5. I want to believe that only a jaundice mind can refute to the fact that King Sao Boso Kamara, who was the King of the Kings, wasn’t of a Mandingo tribe. The name “Kamara” can be tracked to a Mandingo origin. If your claim is taken into consideration, that he wasn’t a Mandingo man, how did he get the name “Kamara”?

    Apparently, those who blindly made such a statement, are people who have been badly programmed about the name Mandingo. They get very hurt when influential person is associated with the name Mandingo.

  6. There is no doubt that King Sao Boso Kamara was a Mandingo King. He was a Mandingo KING of the Condo Kingdom.Condo is a Mandingo word meaning ,putting heads together {UNITY}. His family members are still alive, the Settlers children and their historical records are alive. Moreover, the heartland of his KINGDOM was previously called the Bonde Mandingo Chiefdom before taking a district status called Bopolu District .Therefore ,history is about truth, not your personal feelings about individual or group of people ;be it hate or love. I peacefully submit.


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