Abakomahene Clan Prepares to Install New Akwatiahene

Nana Kofi Ampofo
Nana Kofi Ampofo

The Abakomahene Clan of Akwatia, descendants of Ansah Sasraku have revealed that they have initiated moves to install a fresh and new paramount Chief to rule Akwatia in a bid to bring development and progress to the mineral rich town in the eastern region.

This forms part of the moves aimed at meeting their traditional obligations as contained in the recent ruling of the National House of Chiefs.

The  Abakomahene clan has promised to restore Akwatia to its glorious days and further bring unprecedented development to the area; in terms of infrastructural and human development when it finally takes over.

The new chief, when installed, from the Abakomahene family, will build consensus and unity among the people of Akwatia without discrimination.

He promises to rehabilitate all dilapidated public properties like schools, clinics road networks and offer scholarship schemes to assist students to pursue their education from the primary to the university levels while putting in place measures to create jobs for the people.

The National House of Chiefs, in a recent ruling, gave the Abakomahene clan, descendants of Ansah Sasraku, the go ahead to appoint and install a paramount chief for Akwatia after the exit of Kofi Boateng.

The head of the Abakomahenefie Mmarimmamu Abusuapanyin, Nana Kofi Ampofo described the final ruling as a victory for the people of Akwatia and said all parties should adhere to the ruling and live in peace in Akwatia. He said through peace there would be development in Akwatia.

We are happy, excited and proud of the current state of affairs. The era of divide and rule is over. We are all one people and will live in Peace for the growth of Akwatia.

It is currently our turn to ascend the Akwatia throne and we have started the process to take over and bring the needed and expected developmental project to Akwatia. We are happy about the decision of the Judicial Committee of the National House of Chiefs and I call on all the parties to adhere to it.

Nana Kofi Ampofo in a statement said “we will rule Akwatia with clean hands and bring unity and sanity to the traditional area devoid of treachery and personal attacks.

He called on all the parties and the royal family members to adhere to the laws of the state and the ruling of the National House of Chiefs and live in peace in Akwatia. He said through peace there would be development in Akwatia”.

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