It looks as if the noose around Madam Annie Dede Amanor-Wilks neck will sooner than expected be tightened to compound her problem by her ex-employers; Action Aid International in a protracted industrial legal tussle which can be solved so easily.

After the publication in an anti-racial discrimination Ghanaian newspaper about the mistreatment, harassment, bullying and wrongful dismissal of the character under review, a Kenya based Ghanaian worker, AAI has switched on the full gear to frustrate the woman, no matter what.

Investigations conducted by the True Voice news paper lay bare an invitation by AA1 to the chairperson of AAI Board in the person of Madam Irene Ovonji- Odida, a Ugandan based in both France and Uganda into the witness box to testify in corroboration of Ramesh Singh, the architect of Dede’s woes and dismissal come June 4th, 2012 in Niarobi, Kenya to nail her cruelly.

One would have thought that, being an African and a woman, Irene who is a lawyer would show some solidarity in support of Dede’s cause to soothe her pains and quandary. No, she has decided to collaborate to tighten the knot around Dede’s neck to push her further down into the hellish abyss. This is outrageous and unconscionable; African woman against her fellow African woman, oh Lord!

Since the case commenced on the 10th of June 2010, AAI has not been able to settle on a willing witness but Irene has decided to partner the vindictive and racist Ramesh, the former CEO of AAI to act as principal witnesses for AAI’s case. One therefore finds it a bit strange why a chairperson of the AAI Board has agreed to testify against her fellow African lady in a case it is so far away from her reach.

What is obvious is that, this lady was not privy to the circumstances leading to the termination of Dede’s appointment. So how can she give credible evidence at the law court?  True Voice considers this as a travesty of justice or a subtle attempt to nail Dede in the coffin to button up her lips but resilient and determined as she is, time and evidence will show. True Voice is tempted to believe that AAI wants to throw dust into the judicial process to frustrate the woman and the court.

In the recent hearing of the case on the 5th of March, 2012 at the industrial court in Kenya, Ramesh who was billed to open his defense, failed to turn up again as he did in November, 2010. This culminated in the adjournment of the case to June, 2012.

However document sighted by this paper confirms the coming of the two people to testify in the case against Dede. Meanwhile, AAI has necodamously offered to settle Dede off with 4 months severance without her legal costs and other expenses if she acquiesces to such arrangement; but the questions is, is it fair to give Dede this half-baked package?

A cursory glance at the organization’s own terms of contract spelt out at article 8.2.3 premised inter-alia the following in respect of termination of appointment; an employee can be terminated or dismissed based on:

i  Only  Redundancy and Program Phase out

ii   Health and medical grounds

iii  Continued display of unsatisfactory performance

iv  As a consequence of disciplinary action

v   Retirement age or death of an employee

So in simple psychological deductive reasoning; Dede does not fall in any of AAI’s set of conditions nor did she flout any laid down rule or regulation. It can safely be said that Dede has been handed a raw vendetta, racism and unlawful dismissal for no palpable or chargeable company offence. She has just been subjected to sheer harassment, abuse of her right and vicious organizational politics to push her out of her job prematurely.

In a letter from Ramesh on the 10th of March 2010, he lined up some nebulous and preposterous accusations for his action against Dede. For instance Dede was accused of signing a deal involving Global Fund’s assistance to Gambia to the tune of 11 million euro without Remesh’s express consent but, it turned out that the Gambia country Director signed the document and not Dede. Ironically, Ramesh eventually ratified the deal and used the funds involved for AAI.

A careful study of series of queries raised by Ramesh, they were out of malice, hatred, lack of self-confidence, inferiority complex and partly because of Dede’s dislike for the act of maligning and marginalizing the African people and projects. For instance, some former employees True Voice contacted on the issue expressed their utter disgust and detestation for the Europeans/Asians disdain for the African with impunity. Many of them detested the use of poor African children pictures to solicit for funds to be spent on better- placed Asians instead of Africans.  An African dares not talk against any European without a very strong backlash from AAI executives!

From all indications, Ramesh detested Dede right from the inception of her engagement because she was a step above him in terms of qualification and even Ramesh tried to strike out her application. In fact matters came to head when Dede put up application in January 2010to contest outgoing Ramesh’s position when his tenure was about to end on June 30th 2010.


Against the fore mentioned, reasons assigned by Ramesh were concocted to oust the victim on baseless and unsubstantiable accusations. Even a committee of inquiry set up by Ramesh to audit Dede found no adverse findings against whom the audit committee described as a hardworking and cooperative. They described her as very accessible, suggestible, always in touch, helpful and composed for her job.

This laudable findings were set aside by Ramesh instead he adopted vindictive, vile, vitriolic and bullying tactics to pester the lady’s life to cow her into submission which she has stood up and fought against to-date.  For instance Ramesh has falsely accused Dede of being too assertive, combative, hard, uncompromising and not malleable without any proof whatsoever.

In conclusion dear reader; a thorough study and scrutiny of the whole saga suggest the following that:

i.  African Directors must demand a well-defined welfare blueprint to state conditions of service to ensure job security which AAI doesn’t have.

ii.  African leaders must set up bodies or structures to protect their people against exploitation and manipulation  by foreign companies.

iii.  Africans must thoroughly read through all contracts before accepting or signing them to work for these foreign organizations.

iv.  Fellow Africans must avoid destroying their own kith and kin but instead solidarise with them against racism and discrimination.


Credit: The True Voice


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