The Conference of Rectors Vice Chancellors and Presidents of African Universities is the flagship event of the Association of African Universities held biennially to discuss new trends and share knowledge within the higher education space in Africa and Africans in the diaspora.
This year, the conference was held from 8-11th July 2019 in Cairo Egypt with theme The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Promoting Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA).
In solidarity with the AAU other stakeholder organizations like the European Union, DAAD, Carnegie, AU, European Universities Association, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Education Sub Saharan Africa, League of Islamic Universities, Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport, Joint Admissions and Matriculations Boar of Nigeria, and the African Union graced the event with solidarity messages.
Tasked by the AU to implementing the Continental Education Strategy for Africa – CESA (2016-2025), African academics through their umbrella body (the AAU) resolved on key mechanisms to ensure the strategic focus of the African Union as captioned in the CESA document are achieved.
Scholars from diverse fields of research in line with the above mandate, presented research perspectives to diverse thematic areas of the conference with suggestions on the achievement of CESA (2016-2025). A number of the presentations and authors have been captured in this report.
AAU Engaging with the Diaspora for Promoting African Higher Education: Strategic Partnerships for Social Science Research – Possibilities at the University of Michigan and Beyond
Professor Phillip J. Bowman
The University of Michigan
Revitalizing and Expanding Tertiary Education, Research and Innovation to Address Continental Challenges and Promote Global Competitiveness
Damtew Teferra, Ph. D.
Professor of Higher Education
Founding Director, International Network for Higher Education in Africa—Durban and Boston
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Academic Stress among Faculty and Students in Higher Institutions of Ghana: Sources, Causes and Coping Mechanisms
Dickson Adom (PhD)
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Emerging Women in Higher Education, Policy Making and Development: Case Study of the Agricultural Sector in Burkina Faso
Eveline MFW Compaore S, PhD
Natewinde Sawadogo, PhD
Sexually Transmitted Grades and the Culture of Silence: Will Female Students Blow The Whistle?
Fred Awaah
University of Professional Studies – Accra
Doctoral School, University of Burundi
One-Stop-Shop for Researchers to Increase the Non-Academic Impact of Research Outcomes
The Ethiopian Attempt to Link Research Centers with the National Academic Digital Repository
Margareth Gfrerer, Higher Education Strategy Center, Ethiopia
Promoting Mobility through Harmonization of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Systems
Goolam Mohamedbhai
Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Mauritius
Former Secretary-General, Association of African Universities
Peace Education at all Levels of EDUCATION in Africa
Prof. Michael Takafor Ndemanu
Associate Prof. of Social foundations in education and multicultural education
Continuous Professional Development for a better workforce in Africa: interfacing TVETs and artisans/tradesmen
Moira DAWSON-WILLIAMS Consultant/CEO, Complete IT Solutions
On Strengthening STEM Education in African Universities
Nkem Khumbah, PhD
Michigan state university
Strategic Plan Midterm Review Findings
Professor Peter Okebukola
Higher Education Consultant/Council Chair, National Open University of Nigeria
Update on African Research & Education Network (AfREN)
Ms. Nodumo Dhlamini
AAU Director of ICT & Knowledge Management
African-led Solutions to Systemic Challenges
Dr. Olaf Hahn
Director, Education Sub-Saharan Africa
CESA HE Sub-Cluster
Professor Olugbemiro Jegede
Former Secretary General
Association of African Universities
Report of the Governing Board to COREVIP 2019
Prof Etienne E. EHILE
Secretary General, Association of African Universities
Nile International Education System (NIES), A New International Qualification and Trends in Prerequisites of Higher Education
Prof. Mervat A. El-Dib, Ed.D.
Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Benha University
General Coordinator of the Presidential Advisory Council of Scientists and Experts
Education Development in CESA and Agenda 2063
Dr. Beatrice Njenga
AU Commission
Supporting the Continental Education Strategy for Africa
– The Contribution of the European Union
Fiorella Perotto
European Commission – Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
The Role of ASRT in Empowering technology and innovation in Egypt and Africa
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Sakr
Report on Higher Education in Egypt: A Strategic Perspective
Dr. Amr Adly
Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for University Affairs
Crossing borders with Education: The German Higher Education System and the role of DAAD
Isabell Mering
Director, DAAD Regional Office Cairo
Creating an African Academic Network to Promote Regional Integration in Africa.
Tim Clarke
Retired EU Ambassador to the AU, Lancaster Univ Hon. Fellow.
Climate Change and Rural Female Farmers in Ghana: A Study of the Wenchi Municipality
Lily Yarney, E. K. Sakyi, C. J. Mba, & P. K. Achamwie
MSCA: Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions
Dr. Hossam Zawbaa
Assistant Professor, Beni-Suef University Chair of African Chapter, Marie Curie Alumni Association
Academic Stress among Faculty and Students in Higher Institutions of Ghana: Sources, Causes and Coping Mechanisms
Dickson Adom (PhD)
Department of Educational Innovations in Science and Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
The Intra-Africa Academy Project and the Experience of the University Of Tlemcen in International Cooperation, Including Pauwes
Prof. Latifa NEGADI
Towards Revitalizing and Expanding Tertiary Education, Research and Innovation to Address Continental Challenges & Promote Competitiveness: Role of Academia in Africa
Domwin Dabire Kuupole & Kofi Kodah Mawuloe
Individual Factors Influencing Access to Research Grants among African Researchers: A Study of Crawford University, Nigeria
Uchechukwu Ifeoluwa Nnamdi
General Studies Unit, Crawford University, Ogun State, Nigeria
The Place of Peace Building in Ethiopian Education: An Integrative Review on Policy and Practice.
Endalew F. Qufi (PhD)
Acceptance and Use of Alternate Tools for Knowledge Management in African HEIS:
a review of AAU DATAD-R
DATAD-R Programme Officer
Bridging the Digital Divide: The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Getting Africa Closer To the Global Information Society
Godson E. Ilevbare
Centre for Maritime Studies, Information and Communication Technology, University of Benin, Nigeria.
Persuasive Tech for Positive Behavioural Change: An Example of Using Thermal Stimuli to Enhance Photo-sharing in Social Media
Dr. Moses B Akazue
School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK
Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Quality Assurance Reviews of Academic and Support Units on Student Pass Rates at a South African Higher Education Institution
Dr Rajen Padayachi
Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University
Feasibility of a National Policy on Research Data Management for Higher Education Institutions: A Case of Zimbabwe.
1Mutavayi S. A., 2Hwalima T.
1Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, P. Bag 35, Marondera, Zimbabwe.
2Lupane State University, Box 170, Lupane, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
Harmonization: IHE Focus
Juliet Thondhlana, Ass Professor
Evelyn Garwe, Deputy CEO
Learning Lessons from Offering Dual Degrees in Egyptian Private Universities
Mahmoud N. M. Yousif, Ph.D.
Photochemistry Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
Setting up Institutional Repositories to Manage Knowledge: A Review of Two Ghanaian HEI
Amanda Delali Fie
Parliament of Ghana Library
Leadership in Research and Knowledge Management: The African HEIS Management and the Researchers in Focus
Ruth Daniel Kapanga
TNM, Malawi
Abednego Corletey
Association of African Universities
The opening and closing ceremonies of the conference were heavily patronized by the government of Egypt. Facilitators of different sections of the conference included, Professor Juma Shabani, Professor Tolly Mbwette, and Professor Goski Alabi amongst others.
Author: Fred Awaah
University of Professional Studies – Accra