Telegram’s founder Pavel Durov said on Friday that Apple demands that several updates be removed from the messenger.
The new versions of Telegram have been stuck in Apple’s “review process” for two weeks without any feedback to the company, which causes direct financial losses, Durov said on Wednesday.
“After extensive media coverage of my previous post, Apple got back to us with a demand to water down our pending Telegram update by removing Telemoji – higher quality vector-animated versions of the standard emoji,” Durov wrote on Telegram.
The founder said that this upgrade will be beneficial for the app in the long term, as the performance of Telemoji will be enhanced and made more recognizable.
“Adding custom emoji to the text of any message is just the first step of the upcoming visual revolution on Telegram,” he said, adding that this feature will be available to Premium subscribers first.
Telegram is a messenger that allows you to exchange messages and media files in various formats, and has become one the top 10 most popular apps globally.