Saturday, January 25, 2025

    Joseph Yaw Mawunyo

    11 POSTS
    Joseph Yaw Mawunyo Writer, Blogger and Student Information Communication Technology UEW-Winneba

    Exclusive articles:

    NPP Is Eventually Transforming Ghana’s Education into Oil Rice

    The goal of true education is to teach one to think intensively and critically with the aim of building intelligence and character. This makes...

    Wondering How to become a walking dead? follow these steps

    Then God said, “Let make man in our own image, in our likeness…” So God made man in His own image, in the image...

    If You Want To Achieve Your Goals, Don’t Focus On Them

    My sincere entreaty is that, at the end of this write-up, you would grasp what I am trying to communicate in terms of the...

    How will Ghana government learn if we continue in our ways?

    One thing we know how to do very well in Ghana is assigning responsibility to others for a fault or a wrong. We are...

    Dear Martin Amidu, Did We Lodged Our Hopes In You In Vain?

    Dear Martin Amidu, There is no need going over or reminding you of the reason you were appointed into the office of the Special Prosecutor,...


    Abeiku Santana invited to 7th Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation summit

    Mr Gilbert Abeiku Aggrey, also known as Abeiku Santana,...

    Why Organic Growth Beats Advertising Every Single Time.

    Successful brands, especially those on the rise in their...

    Advocating for Mobile Money: The Key to Financial Inclusion in Ghana

    The Mobile Money Advocacy Group Ghana (MoMAG)was establish to...

    Angela List Again!

    ...Allegedly Embezzled Company Funds; Executed Unauthorized Transfers from BCM...
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