This article had to be written because woes would befall me if I did not. And so, you may be right in concluding that I write it based on selfish motives. But then, would you not do as I do, if you were the one expected to teach this generation the truth about the unholy nature of Easter Sunday celebrations, after they were revealed to you by the Most High One, as He has done to me?
Or would you rather, by an act of disobedience, you fell into the anger of Elohim and have His wrath poured out upon you? Remember, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Almighty.
Easter was established in the fourth century as a feast and celebrated by people who, though they claim to believe and live by the Bible, are unable to find any mandate in this book to celebrate it.
What this simply means is that the celebration of Easter is non-biblical. Did you know this? If you did not, don?t just believe me; make a diligent search of the scriptures to be sure what I say is true.
The biblical accounts on the faith and lifestyle of the apostles of Yeshua, and their followers of the first century contain no information for today?s salvation seekers, about these holy saints of the Almighty having anything to do with Easter.
The fact is, Easter was unknown to them; and yet, these saints of the first century will be the surest of entrees into Heaven at the end of time. And so, dear salvation seeker, your zealous celebration of Easter Sunday cannot enhance your chances of gaining Elohim?s salvation and of entering Heaven; on the contrary, it will hinder you from them.
Easter is one big hindrance to any salvation seeker?s chances of entering Heaven. This is because Easter is an illegality to the Word of Elohim. And so, whatever is an illegality to the Word of Elohim is a sin.
All what this means is that, whatever any salvation seekers do, without the express permission or mandate of the Word of Elohim, is a sin (cf. Romans 10:17 & 14:23); and sinners, as everyone must know, will not be rewarded with Heaven, to live in the presence of the Most High One.
One may ask: How is the celebration of Easter, which is supposed to be in commemoration of the resurrection of Yeshua, judged to be sinful, and punishable with the denial of Heaven, by the Most High One? The answers to this question are very simple.
First is, as has already been mentioned, Easter is without the mandate of the Almighty. It is a man-made feast in misguided revelry. Man, in trying to fit his wisdom into the thoughts of the Most High One, ended up confusing himself into believing that what he does at, in, and by Easter, must be pleasing and acceptable to Elohim, and even earn him His rewards! This is a clear case of a situation that might seem pleasing in the eyes of man, becoming what would ultimately, lead him into doom (cf. Proverbs 14:12).
You see, the wisdom and thinking of man are, oftentimes, anti-Elohim! So then, man must never depend on or use his wisdom to serve Elohim. Rather, man must seek to have the Wisdom of Elohim imputed to him, with which he is to serve Him, if he is to earn His commendations and rewards, the ultimate reward or gain being his inclusion among His saints, for life in Eternity in Heaven. One must have the Wisdom of Elohim and use it for and on His behalf, as His chosen instrument, to be blessed in that service.
If man found in the Word of Elohim, any instructions to him to celebrate Easter on a particular First Day of the Week?Sunday?to some detailed rituals and revelries, then he would have been using the Wisdom of Elohim to his greatest gain. As it is, no instructions are given to him to celebrate Easter, and so he acts amiss, in opposition to the Will of Elohim, if he does.
The second thing that faults salvation seekers to doom in their celebration of Easter is in, and by, the day their leaders have fixed for it. To these celebrants, Easter must always be on Sunday. This is because they wrongly suppose the Messiah resurrected on a First Day of the Week?Sunday. By their veneration and celebration of Sunday, supposing to add value to the resurrection of Yeshua by that veneration, they have polluted everything about Messiah?s glorious resurrection, in their wrong claims to his supposed early morning Sunday resurrection.
From the biblical record, however, it can be adduced that the Messiah?s resurrection was at the start of the Last/Seventh Day of the Week, many hours before the early morning discovery of an empty tomb on the First Day of the Week, following on the heels of this Seventh Day.
Ample evidence exists that Messiah, after his death on 13th Nisan, 30 AD, was laid to rest in a tomb at the sunset hour that commenced the Passover day of 14th Nisan, 30 AD.
Note that Passover has a fixed date and is one of eight fixed date Sabbaths on the Hebrew calendar. Note, I say date, and not day; and this fixed date is 14th Nisan of every year. So then, Passover has a variable day from year to year. Wonderfully, only two variable days exist, on which every Passover must fall?that is, either the Third Day or Fourth Day of the Week!
In the year Yeshua was crucified, yours truly can say to you that, as the slain Passover Lamb, Messiah?s body was slipped into the tomb, to kick-start the celebration of Passover in Jewish homes, at the sunset hour that started the Fourth Day of the Week?Wednesday. Let us not forget that, from the Creation account in the Book of Genesis, every day starts at sunset and ends at sunset.
So then, if Elohim has to prove to mankind that Yeshua is indeed the Messiah, by His Word in Matthew 12:40, 17:22-23, 20:18-19, Mark 9:31, 10:33-34, Luke 9:22, 18:31-33 and John 2:19-21, that He would establish Yeshua?s resurrection on the third day of his burial, then resurrection day was unambiguously fixed by Him to be at the sunset that commenced the Last/Seventh Day of the Week which fell on the 17th day of Nisan, 30 AD.
Elohim never brought any First Day of the Week into the actual time of the resurrection of Yeshua. Rather, the Bible only says that the observation of Messiah?s empty tomb was early in the morning of the First Day of the Week. So then, no man?archbishop, papa, general apostle, general superintendant, akaboha, or whatever?should mislead salvation seekers into believing that the resurrection of the Messiah was on a First Day of the Week.
The impious veneration of the First Day of the Week as the day of Yeshua?s resurrection, by clergymen and their followers is a sin that will block all celebrants of Easter from cruising through the Pearly Gates of Heaven for the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb at the End of Time?a simple but severe warning from Elohim to salvation seekers.
Easter is also a sin because of one thing that is intrinsic in its celebration?a so-called communion service. This is the ritual wherein every participant eats a piece of some thinly-pressed crisp biscuits said to be bread but of no semblance to bread and drinks a tot of red wine to push it down. This communion service is believed to be in compliance with the observation of the Lord?s Supper ordinance that has been commanded by Yeshua for all his genuine followers in his memory (cf. Luke 22:19).
For all genuine disciples of the Master, however, the observance of this ordinance must be a home-meal?a supper?as was the manner of the Master himself whenever he observed the celebration of Passover with his disciples in private homes.
But alas, Easter celebrations which always include this so-called communion service must have it celebrated as the Lord?s Breakfast of Sundays instead of a special Supper! Is this the mark of true disciples of the Master? Hardly so! The over-veneration of the First Day of Week in Easter has blinded its celebrants from seeing the displeasure they cause the Master in turning his Supper into a Breakfast.
Simply because these celebrants suppose Messiah?s resurrection to have happened on the First Day of the Week, they also think the Lord?s Day which, since Creation, has always been the Last/Seventh Day of the Week, has since been purposefully changed by Him to the First Day of the Week! How sad that, today, the Lord?s Day of the Seventh Day of the Week, is never in the minds of Easter Sunday celebrants. Since Easter is a holiday, a wicked replacement of the holy day of Passover, its celebrants have become mere holiday-makers and not the holy day worshippers of Elohim they may claim to be.
From the inception of the Law of Moses, all of Elohim?s annual celebrations have been on fixed dates with variable days. Why is Easter the odd one if indeed it has the blessing of Elohim? Easter is a fixed day feast of variable date?the direct opposite of what Elohim?s Will is in this!
There is a beast mentioned in Daniel 7:25 who vowed to use his power to change the times and seasons set by the Almighty and also fight to defeat the saints of the Most High One. Was or is this beast at his cunning best, in misleading salvation seekers into the observance of days and rituals that have no bearing on the dictates of the Almighty for the salvation of His children?
That must be so; and to think that this beast has had his way in his deceptions in Easter, for over sixteen hundred years, must make all lovers of the truth in the Word of Elohim very sad indeed. Shalom.
The writer is a bible-expositor and author of the book?Beware of This False Doctrine: Of Reciting the Sinners? Prayer for Salvation. E-mail address: