Centre for Local Governance Advocacy holds a day’s workshop

Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso
Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso

In management, the principle of Goal Congruence demands that an employee?s personal ambition, expectations and vision should marry that of the establishment in which a person?s is employed, otherwise it is in the best interest of both such an employee and that of the employer (job) to look elsewhere for that satisfaction. ?

Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso
Dr Vladimir Antwi-Danso

However, when the goal congruence of an employee falls in line with that the employer or the job, the employee gives his/her best no matter the kind of working conditions prevailing at the work place as the? employee derives job satisfaction in performing his/her duty happily.

It is in line with this principle that the Dean of Graduate Studies and?Research, Institute of Local Government?Studies, Dr. Eric Oduro Osae, ??advised the staff of the Centre for Local Governance (CLGA) to examine their interest and that of the Centre.

If a person?s goal congruence is different from that of the organization that the person finds him/herself than it is in the best interest of such persons to resign than to continue to pretend working in that establishment, he observed.

Dr. Osae said this during a day?s workshop organized by the (CLGA) in Accra to review its activities and map out the way forward for 2015.

The participants were taken through operationalizing the Advocacy skills of CLGA, Contemporary issues in Local governance for CLGA, the Action plans for 2015, the internal capacity of staff, etc. The local government expert also reminded them of the Centre?s mandate, mission, it core values and vision which demands being a step ahead in order to make their presence felt and showcase the Center?s mandate.

Dr. Osae said the lack of understanding of local Governance issues has led to some youth taking the laws into their hands in certain Districts across the country by accusing some political heads at the local level as not fulfilling their promises which the staff must do well to correct. He explained that for the youth to accept local governance policies, the youth must see tangibles.

CLGA intends to play a crucial role in the coming District Assembly elections next year by mounting platforms for potential contestants to debate issues and air their plans on local Governance policy before the election.

The Centre is also putting in place some programs to refresh the Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assembly chief executives, Microfinance institutions.? Reviewing activities of the Centre he explained that CLGA should aim at advocating for effective local Governance in Ghana.


Source: Seibik Bugri

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