The 74-year-old actor has admitted he enjoyed a very heavy evening drinking with his famous friend, and revealed after just a “couple of hours” sleep and a shower, he was still under the influence when he turned up the next day for his TV interview.
Telling the story on this weekend’s episode of ‘The Jonathan Ross Show’, he said: “I went out with George Clooney. We had a lot of Limoncello. I had to do a talk show the next day. Anyway, I didn’t get to sleep until really very, very, very late. I slept in the morning, couple of hours. I took a shower and on the show I was still bombed.
“I didn’t get much rest. They said ‘how you doing?’ I said, ‘The last seven Limoncellos got me.’ That was good.”
In the interview – which will air on ITV on Saturday night (23.03.19) – Danny also opened up about his friendship with Arnold Schwarzenegger, whom he starred with in 1988 buddy comedy ‘Twins’.
He added: “I see Arnold. In business you get to see people intensely, you’re doing a movie, a couple of months, and then you don’t see them for a while. You bump into them. There’s always that familial bond, because we had a great time on ‘Twins.’ ”
Meanwhile, ‘Dumbo’ star Danny recently revealed he has remained “very close” to Rhea Perlman – with whom he shares children Lucy, 36, Grace, 34, and Jacob, 32 – despite their divorce.
He said: “We’re friends. We’re happy. Everybody’s happy.”
And after previously working with his ex-wife on projects including TV series ‘Taxi’ – which ran from 1978 to 1983 – and as a married couple in 1996’s ‘Matilda’, Danny won’t rule out working with Rhea again in the future.
He added: “She’s a good actress and I love working with her.”
The ‘It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ star first announced their split in October 2012 after 30 years of marriage and over 40 years together, however, they later reconciled in March 2013 before going their separate ways again in March 2017.