Home World News Inside Africa ECOWAS experts review the Organisation’s Grant Code and its annexes

ECOWAS experts review the Organisation’s Grant Code and its annexes

G D Richard Awunyo Seydou K Bangoura Madamze Lauretta Olukemi Modupeola Atabuh R
G D Richard Awunyo Seydou K Bangoura Madamze Lauretta Olukemi Modupeola Atabuh R

Experts from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) convened on Monday 5 June 2023 in Lomé, Togo, to validate the Code and Manual for the management of the grants it awards, as well as the annexes to the Code.

During the 5-day workshop, experts from various ECOWAS institutions and agencies will review the various documents submitted to them for assessment and provide recommendations to bring the organisation’s policies and tools into line with international standards and best practices, including certification of the European Union’s Pillars for fund management.

The meeting, organised by the Directorate of Administration and General Services of the ECOWAS Commission, focused on the best strategy for publicising and distributing these important documents internally to ECOWAS Directors and officials, grant managers and practitioners, consultants, procurement and finance officers involved in the selection and administration of grant contracts on the one hand, as well as applicants, potential beneficiaries and managers of ECOWAS grants, and those responsible for the administration and technical management of grants awarded by ECOWAS on the other hand.

The aim of establishing a Grant Code within the West African regional Organisation is to provide detailed guidelines on grant processes for staff in charge of grant management within ECOWAS and individuals competing for a grant, for the execution and implementation of actions or the work plan when awarding a grant.

Furthermore, this important document, the Grant Code, aims to ensure uniform measures and compliance with the principles of grants in all operations and following the rules and procedures, to promote best practices in grant management in accordance with international standards, and finally to guarantee the best use of funds by ECOWAS entities.

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