Ethiopia rejects EU’s stance on Nile dam as “biased”

Ethiopia Gerd Project Delayed Due To Interference From Egypt And Us

Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed dismay over the position of the European Union (EU) with regard to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

“The EU’s recent stance on the filling and operations of the GERD is biased and senseless,” said Dina Mufti, spokesperson of the ministry during a biweekly briefing on Thursday.

In a recent joint statement, the EU and Egypt stressed the need for reaching a binding agreement on the filling and operations of the GERD in order to protect Egypt’s water security and promote peace and stability in the region.

Mufti said the EU, which has had an observer status in the African Union (AU)-led talks between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt on the filling and operations of the GERD, should consider rectifying the statement and its stance towards the dam.

Mufti said Ethiopia has made clear that it does not have any plan to harm the Nile downstream riparian countries and has strictly been governed by the tripartite agreement reached among the three countries.

“For a country that demonstrated a genuine stance on the GERD, such a partisan statement is unacceptable,” said the spokesperson in condemnation of the EU’s position.

The EU’s statement undermines Ethiopia’s rights to fairly utilize its resources so that the Government of Ethiopia rejects the statement as “biased and senseless,” said the spokesperson.

According to Mufti, the EU’s stand was totally one-sided and failed to accommodate the “sense of impartiality.” Enditem

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