First phase of natural capital accounts program to end in June

the world bank
The world bank

A World Bank representative said Friday here that the first phase of the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) for five developing countries including Botswana will come to an end at the end of June.

Rutger Hoekstra made the remarks as part of the World Bank’s technical advisory mission to Botswana to review progress made in the compilation of natural capital accounts for water, energy and mineral resources, with particular emphasis on addressing data quality issues.

Speaking at a seminar held in Gaborone, Hoekstra said the next phase dubbed WAVES plus will be launched soon and will concentrate on new countries rather than pioneering countries that have already been funded under the first phase.

WAVES, a global partnership program led by the World Bank which started in 2012, is aimed at assisting countries to compile natural capital accounts for their key natural resources.

These accounts collect information on the stocks of natural resources at any particular time as well as show the flows of these resources as they are being used in the economy. Enditem

Source: Xinhua/

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