Home Entertainment FORMULA FOR A HAPPY DAY


To most people, starting the day can be stressful, but to a few smart ones its an opening to a whole new chapter of drama and excitement. 5.00 am and the alarm is chiming so loud in your ears. Wake up! wake up! lazy bones,it seems to say. And as a worker, housewife, or student, you need to lousily creep out of your bed to save the day. Say a prayer or two and kick-start the day’s plans.

You tidy up a few things in the house . And guys; you are not exempted, after all, you got to tidy up your messy room and clear the bottles from which you drank from the previous night, away from the room. Less i forget, you straighten up the bed. OK! Wash up, Breakfast and off you go. Grab your i-pad or i-phone and soothe the soul with some lyrics from your favorite tracks. I personally will chose from the gospel and inspirational genres. I don’t know about you.

Of course try to put on the most beautiful attire of all times; a smile 🙂 and at least be nice to everyone as much as you can. Let noone or nothing be a cross line between you and the happiness you deserve. The difficult math problem must not weigh you down at school, neither should your unsatisfied and strict boss. Grab a glass of lemonade and burger at lunch break and have a chit- chat with a couple of friends. They are the best connections you need in your life, never ignore them.
Go through every activity with a sense of purpose and determination.

And when you arrive home finally, its time to turn on the radio or TV for your best in news, sports, movies, or any entertainment whatsoever depending on your taste. You then drag your worn-out self into the shower and have a cold bath. Its good for the body. A bowl of your delicious tasty meal for supper and then, some time with the family, or a friends night-out will be just great for the evening too.
Then when you have retired to bed, you recall every bit of your activity and like? God at the beginning of all creations , you’ll see everything that your hands did throughout the day as good and worthwhile. Time for a word of prayer,if its your custom and …….. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh! snoring already?

Well i had fun and i guess you did too. This will only be imaginary to you unless you put it into practice in your own small way. HAVE FUN BUDDY, LIFE’S TOO SHORT TO BE WAITING FOR “THE RIGHT TIME”. LIVE LIFE NOW !

Source: Justica Anima Adjei


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