Ilanit Weigenfeld Lahav, (Director of the Hydrotherapy and Sports Center), Beit Issie Shapiro, Israel, a memeber the executive committee of the International Halliwick Association), Yarl Yoshei, (Hydrotherapist, Chairperson of the Education and research committee of the International Halliwick Association) and Roni Leef (Professional Hydrotherapist, CEO of Water Clinic Israel are in Ghana for the course on Hydrotherapy at the invitation of Mr. Mustapha Mohammed, president of the Ghana Footvolley Federation.
The Footvolley Association of Ghana in collaboration with Beit Issie Shapiro, Israel and the Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (HPERS-UEW) are organising the first ever Halliwick Concept Hydrotherapy course at HPERS department scheduled from 21st- 24th, November, 2022.
Ghana will be the first country in Africa to be known with professional hydrotherapist. After the course the students will be awarded international certificates.
The course content include:
*What hydrotherapy and Halliwick Concept is all about
*How the approach improve the lives of people with disabilities.
*The advantages of providing therapy in the water as opposed to on land
* How water can be used to treat sports related injuries.
Roni Leef and her colleagues Yael and Ilanit are very happy to organize the first ever Halliwick Hydrotherapy Concept Course in Africa at Winneba, HPERS-UEW.
The senior members of Beit Issie Shapira, a well recognised institution based in Israel and Mustapha Mohammed had the privileged to meet the respected Israel ambassador to Ghana.
Their discussion centred around the first Halliwick Hydrotherapy Concept Course in Africa, Ghana at the department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports (HPERS-UEW).
The approach can improve the lives of people with disabilities in Ghana.