Home Opinion Ghana Lost A Great Son; Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten

Ghana Lost A Great Son; Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten

Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten
Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten

Oooh how wish to give a tribute of our magnificent relationship, even the brotherly love we shared, political stories, business meetings and ideas we shared as saturated solutions for the many problems GaDaŋme is facing.

It took me a very longtime to know that from the time are were born to the time we will die, we live in a transitional period and all we do in life is an experiment for cost and price.

Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten
Thomas Emmanuel Okpoti Odamtten

There is price tag on everything we see, touch, hear and own, and also on where we go, what we say, what we eat, drink or wear. NOTHING IN HERE IS FOR FREE, EVEN WHAT WE CAN HANDLE.

We pay for almost everything. The only experience that is free to us is birth and death which are not traditions in willingness or wellness, neither the wise nor fool can escape. All shall pass away.

My Dear Brother Tommy was multifunctional in faculty and physics, a great mind full of talents. He could handle or do many things simultaneously. His whole personae was about developmental abilities. I am not even worthy to talk about his diplomacy, communication, and connecting others together.

Hey Charlie, Tommy Tallman, you embraced this journey too early! This was not how we planned Ending, Losing, and Letting Go of budding.

Today, you made death so fearless to me and that gives me hope that my big brother, buddy and paddy will be there to host me, provide and protect me, when it’s my turn to come home. As usual, you will show me the way out, introduce me to all the profitable places, finest things, best people and palatable sisters. So please, keep looking nice, smart, kind and lovely while in heaven. I will keep the candle light of our friendship burning and will not forget you in a hurry. Just that I will miss that radio and therapeutic voice of yours, full with counseling vibes and daily hymns.

My soul is mourning for my first cousin, a friendly brother and a man full of wisdom, knowledge and solutions for any problem. Ever ready to assist…had time for everyone…a special brother and friend…Rest in perfect peace, Tall Tommy.

Venerable Nathaniel Nii Naate Atsure Agbo Nartey Ph.D, B.Psy. D.S.D.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😨😨

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