Ghanaian inventor says nearing breakthrough with HIV/AIDS cure

A Ghanaian inventor, Samuel Ato Duncan , founder of the Center Of Awareness (COA) in Ghana announced here on Wednesday his years of research into herbal solution to the HIV/AIDS pandemic is nearing completion with high hopes of a permanent cure.


He said the COA 72 with Triterpene as its active ingredient which has undergone both the in-vitro and in vivo test stages has proven highly efficacious against the disease.

“It is a question of national pride for us that we have developed this potential cure for this dreaded global disease here in Ghana. We want the whole world to know that this is wholly inspired by our own efforts here in Ghana, and by extension Africa. It is an agent. It is not a finished product,” he cautioned.

He however gave the assurance that his organization, Center Of Awareness (COA) has been able to reach a point where it can confidently say that they are at the verge of saying Ghana has cure for HIV.

The In Vitro trial was carried out at the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR) at the University of Ghana while the In vivo trials were done at the Research Laboratory of the Pharmacy department of University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.

“during the in vitro trial, in six hours the COA agent was able to cure 80 percent of the stock of virus; now, 12 hours it killed 80 percent of the stock virus, while during the IN VIVO trial in South Africa with 6730 viruses within four months the COA product reduced the viral load to 15copies. Close to zero, within four months,” Duncan disclosed with slides to prove.

At the final stage, Duncan explained that the drug is administered in a triple action combination of oral administration first which reduces the viral load; Intramuscular which diffuses into the tissues and cells to smoke out remaining viruses hiding in the viral reservoirs(infected resting cells).

Intravenous injection is then used to enter straight into the blood stream to destroy the free viruses circulating in the blood to initiate the final step to cure.

Two South Africans; Bandile Mdlalose and is China Ngubane, researchers at the University of Kwazulu Natal, who were part of the volunteers taken through the In Vivo trial paid glowing tribute to the efficacy of the product which they attested, has given them a second chance in life without HIV/AIDS.

The center also provided documentations from the Kwazulu Natal University as well as the NMIMR as proof of the claims associated with the product.

Jonny Osei Kofi, Deputy Chief of Staff who represented the Presidency of Ghana urged the inventor to keep up the good work, since government will come in to support his efforts.

“The name of the researcher is not completely new in terms of the finding that he has made. Naturally any Ghanaian who has any good news for Ghana that will put Ghana on the world map positively in terms of HIV cure any government, and especially President Mahama’s government will be very happy to be part of that story and that is the reason why I said that he should package all the findings and make specific requests,” he pledged. Enditem

Source: Justice Lee Adoboe

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