Levi Korum, born in America and bred in Accra, Ghana, had an exuberant personality years before his fame. His natural rise to stardom transpired in less than a year, as he managed to reach millions of people by making funny skits.
Even before he ever had an Instagram account, Levi was a class clown; always telling jokes and making people laugh. He was a comedian in the making. As he entered high school, his comedic personality only amplified. This was around the time that social media was gaining traction in Africa and celebrities were erecting from various platforms. With the rise in both social media and smartphones, Levi’s comedic skits started spreading like wildfire not only in Ghana but worldwide.
His humbled journey started in high school with just a smartphone. He already had the ability to make people laugh and had just been given a platform to share his personality with whoever was interested. He began by sharing his comedic skits with close friends and family until his content naturally started to spread. His videos started circulating across other friend groups in his school and didn’t take long to reach neighboring schools.
To Levi’s surprise, his videos started going viral. What started as a platform to share his comedic personality with friends and family, naturally and quickly grew to a large audience. To capitalize on the opportunity, Levi trademarked his persona as a foreigner who speaks the local language fluently and who understands the local culture.
Levi chose Instagram as his main platform because it’s the easiest way to reach his target audience. So he started a separate account for his comedic skits and Kwame Bofrot was born in the first week of his new Instagram account, Kwame Bofrot gained 400 followers right off the bat—mainly close friends and people he knew. As he continued posting, his account prospered. He recalls gaining about 100 new organic followers every week. His persona brand, now known as Kwame Bofrot, is loved by millions across Ghana and was starting to reach surrounding countries.
His growth story is nothing short of atomic. Levi’s strategy was to produce the best content and allow his growth to come from organic referrals. Today, it’s normal to see celebrities share his content and comment on his posts. Kwame Bofrot has received millions of views on his combined social media.
In the past year, you have probably heard of the new craze known as non fungible tokens, also known as NFTs. The NFT market tripled in 2020 to $250+ million and then surpassed $40 Billion in 2021. Even large companies such as Nike, Adidas Budweiser, Pringles, and Visa have all joined the fast-growing industry. There are stories of young adults buying NFTs while they’re cheap
and later selling them for thousands, sometimes over a million dollars more than what they paid for—a process known as flipping.
Levi is an innovative comedian and wants to do more with his large audience than simply producing funny content. One of his largest projects to date, he plans to release Ghana’s first NFT in collaboration with the art collective known as Fad Group to bring contemporary art technology to the country. Kwame’s NFT collection depicts his journey through the metaverse in three phases.
The first phase is a normal-looking cartoon portrait of him in digital form. He has a plain look on his face and doesn’t know what to expect as he enters the digital world. The second phase is more relatable as it shows the struggles people sometimes face when they enter a new place on their journey of life.
This card is temporarily “corrupted” and looks like it has been glitched. He has been caught up with the wrong crowd and indulges in unhealthy cravings which leads him down a rebellious path. The third and final phase of his journey is the golden phase. This is when Kwame Bofrot becomes accepting of the changes in his new environment and is now happy after his previous struggles in the metaverse. In his final phase in the metaverse, he turns into a 24k Golden Bofrot.
The collaborators Levi and Fad Group founder, Chris Crubaugh, hope to put Ghana on the map as a young and forward thinking economy. “Ghana is such a beautiful country with endless potential. It was a no-brainer to embark on this project with Kwame Bofrot to try and remind the world of all the talented artists and tech-savvy people we have.”
The NFTs come with a couple hidden messages and a completely AI-generated story to fit the theme of the NFT collection. Levi plans to use the NFT as a “golden ticket” by including exclusive perks to whoever owns any of the three NFTs. The three privileged owners will receive a rare 1/3 Kwame Bofrot apparel item as well as something else to be announced at a later date. The NFTs are exclusively available on the NFT marketplace, Opensea.