Giant footprints on beach look like monster has emerged from the deep


Locals were stumped when these giant footprints appeared on the beach in Blackpool

A super-sized sand sketch of a swimmer mid-dive created by a Peckham artist has been making quite a splash down on the beaches on Devon.

Each of the prints are 100 feet long compared to around 11 inches for an average man

The prints took around four hours to create during the space between low and high tides

It was made by Commercial Way resident and performance artist Jon Hicks and his partner-in-artistic-crime Ged Bryan in under three hours – in a head-to-head race with the incoming tide.

In January, the same team made a big splash after raking a spectacular image of a diver onto a beach in just under three hours.

The artists last project involved raking a diving figure onto the sand at a Devon beach

In their first attempt at sand art, the pair had set themselves the ambitious task of completing the drawing of a swimmer mid-dive onto a beach.

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