Home Opinion Featured Articles Glea-Gbar, One Of Liberia’s Traditional Foods

Glea-Gbar, One Of Liberia’s Traditional Foods

GB and Soup
GB and Soup

GB (Glea-Gbar), as it is commonly known in Liberia is one of Liberia’s traditional foods made out of Cassava it is swallowed instead of chewed.

It is widely known to be the favorite traditional food amongst the Mano and the Gio tribes from Nimba County, Liberia

Originally, only these tribes consumed this kind of meal in Liberia, but today because of inter-relationship, other group of people, especially with in the city areas, are also found to like this meal.

Due to its carbohydrate nature when swallowed, it keeps you going strong for almost, the whole day. In fact some people swallow and they are ok for the entire day.

GB can be swallowed with a variety of soups like pepper soup, palava sauce, palm butter, etc.  These soups are usually prepared to be slippery in order to allow the GB to pass through the throat freely.

In Liberia different tribes like other special kinds of food and they have their own unique ways of preparation as well. For example, and the Lorma tribe from Lofa county like “Torgorgee” Torgorgee  is a specially prepared soup with safe to eat soda.

It is mostly prepared with bean, bitter bud and pepper. You could say Torgorgee is to the Lorma and the as GB is the Mano and the Gio tribes.

You simply covering and boil the cassava, pound it very well in a mortar, roll it and have it dished out and with a prepared soup. GB is then ready to be swallowed.

The implication of GB in Mano and Gio tribes is cassava round. Please come to Liberia and enjoy GB, It keeps you going strong for almost, the whole day.

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