Pink fm’s Rasta Jet hostess Mary Kukua Blankson otherwise known in show business as ‘Conscious Queen’ has said becoming a reggae presenter is not an accident because she finds reggae in her blood.
Speaking in an interview, the sexiest console queen said, “I find reggae as a part of me. I find reggae in my blood because I grew up in a reggae home. I grew up listening to my Dad playing the Bob Marley’s, Alpha Blonde’s, and the Eric Donaldson’s as young as eight years so I grew up in it but I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to it”.
“Reggae music is actually a soul-healing music. It heals you no matter what you are going through. It doesn’t matter which problems one is going through there is a song for it. You only have to know the kind of song you have to listen to at that particular point and you get quickly uplifted”, Kukua noted.
Born into a family of three and the only lady among two guys Kukua said she always wanted to be a radio presenter because she loves to inspire people a lot so she wanted a good platform to sharing her views in a positive manner.
The former student of Radio and Broadcasting Development Foundation (RABODEF) claims finding her feet in the radio industry which is been dominated by men does not dare her but rather inspires her to bring out the best in her. “Whether the industry is being ruled by men or not does not matter to me but what I can put into or add to it. If you are determined, disciplined, and committed enough then you can fit into any field of your choice regardless of your sex.”
“Before Pink fm, I was on other peoples show like, Reggae Business, Reggae River with Pablo, Net 2 TV with Palos as well as a couple of stations in Kumasi to make a statement for myself and also to tell the young girls out there that everything is possible the only difference is that with Pink I have the opportunity to host my own show so I have paid my dues anyway”
Kukua claims presenting reggae music itself is a reward. She however recounted the ordeal she went through when she first decided to become a reggae presenter. “Before I started, people use to tell me that you are too beautiful to present reggae, you are too nice to be moving with Rasta’s but I just want to tell them that you don’t need to be dirty to associate yourself with Rasta’s”
“To me, it is the message that comes with it because you cannot judge a good book by it cover. I cannot judge people by their appearance. It is what is in that person which counts so I welcome all manner of people”, she said.
Touching on role models in the industry Kukua said she really admires certain personalities in the industry but she cannot say they are her mentors. “I like certain individuals like my former lecturer at RABODEF, Tommy Annan Forson, Kwame Sefa Kayi, and internationally Larry King but I will not call them my mentors because to me, the sky is not the limit. It could happen I may pass the level they have gotten to and taken someone as a mentor means limiting yourself”, she added.
The former student of Asamankese Senior High School claims she is not into smoking but she believes smoking is an individual’s decision. “At times it so disgusting to see you being searched because you fall in the midst of Rasta’s. It’s about time people stop associating marijuana with Rasta’s because I know a lot of them who doesn’t smoke”.
“Before I go on-air, I always bear in mind that as much as I can’t help solve everybody’s problem within my time of being on-air, I should be able to help someone to forget about his problem. So I should be able to inspire, uplift and any which way to know that if someone is smiling then he should start laughing and if someone is angry he should start smiling’’, She reiterated.
Kukua’s Rasta Jet show comes on every Friday’s from 10:00 am – 12:00 noon and Saturday’s from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
By: El-Amisty Nobo/Freelance Journalist.