Local EU Statement on the occasion of the entry into force of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (17/02/2012)


Local EU Statement on the occasion of the entry into force of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (17/02/2012)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, February 20, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission to the African Union:

The EU Delegation to the African Union warmly welcomes the entry into force of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance on 15th February 2012. Its entry into force is an important milestone in the process of embedding the principles of democracy, the rule of law and human rights at continental and national levels and will in turn contribute to improved peace and security across the continent. The fifteen countries that have ratified the Charter have shown an example to the continent and we hope that other countries will follow suit.

Elections play an important part in the exercise of democracy. This year and in 2013 there will again be many elections across Africa. The existence of the African Charter will embed these standards within an institutional framework and should contribute to the credibility and transparency of electoral processes.

The EU stands ready to support the implementation of the principles set out in the Charter and hopes that this co-operation can be taken forward in the context of the Africa-EU Partnership on Democratic Governance and Human Rights.


Délégation de l’Union européenne auprès de l’Union africaine

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