Loneliness Is Very Deadly In One Life


Almost everyone knows that awful feeling of being lonely in a room full of people (and if you don?t know that feeling, consider yourself lucky). Now researchers are starting to realize just how dangerous and potentially deadly?loneliness can truly be. According to Slate, studies of elderly people and social isolation showed that those without enough social interaction were twice as likely to die prematurely. That increased mortality risk is comparable to the one associated with smoking, and loneliness is also about twice as dangerous as obesity. Plus, 40 percent of adults in two recent surveys said they were lonely, up from 20 percent in the 1980s. So what can we do to combat this? For one thing, keep in mind that it?s not about quantity ? it?s about quality. And social media aren?t helping, so don?t look to Facebook or Twitter to?ease your?isolation woes. It?s all about genuine real-life connection, so get out there and meet a friend for coffee. You won?t be sorry you did.??[Source]

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