All through my life I have been thrilled by a lot of things; music, people, fashion, flowers, beaches, houses, cars and almost every creation my eyes had ever beheld. Sometimes I want to imagine what the world may be like without all these things in place. Then, I want to thank? God Almighty for His amazing creativity skills and science expertise. Ever since I started wondering about this things, one thing has come to bear within my mind; that, whatsoever you want to change, you can and must do to make a difference.

Stories about people who make the mark keep encouraging me whenever I feel that everything is just not possible. One such person has being Helen Keller. I need not bore you with her story need? I? Wilma Rudolph is another perfect example of women making the mark. So to speak, you’ve got no excuse to remain insignificant to yourself and to society. This reminds me of my very first prayer i said at a family gathering at a very tender age. And goes like this, “Oh dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for my mother, father, sisters, my brother and everyone present here. Father, grant me strong bones and teeth so that with my strength i can carry my grandparents around and my parents when they are old. And with my teeth also keep smiling to everyone in my family when there is no hope. Amen”

This prayer may seem irrelevant but it touched the heart and minds of the people around me. It also gave them a sense of compassion and love towards one another. Whenever we are together again as family, we recall this prayer and, like my prayers being answered, we smile. All there is to say and do lies in the power of our thoughts and our speech and our actions. By thoughts, we need to imagine and dream of the best life changing things that we can put to reality to project rich change in the lives of humanity,be it big or small. By speech, we must learn to speak positively especially to the most difficult situations to make a change. Then, by actions, we must work hard towards our thoughts and speech. For faith without works is baseless.

All i want to drive at in this piece is that, every human being was born with a gift that he certainly must unleash for the benefit of himself and for others. Supposing you were deaf, you have your sight and hands to make good use of. A lame man is neither sick nor disabled in his whole body, he definitely has something to move along with. Reach for the stars, tackled your disability with a positive attitude. God could have left the whole world void and without form, but He chose to put his creative knowledge to work. And now here is me and you in this lovely place called earth.

Its okay to have life and live it well. But its best to live life and love others well, that’s your calling. For God thought of you and I before putting this whole lovely creation to reality. I do not know what i have done yet to make that difference I preach about. But I do hope that this piece startles you and urges you on to another level of thinking and living. May all your dreams as well as mine be true.

Source: Justica Anima

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