All too soon, we are approaching a new year. One
that we all anticipate to be tough. Perhaps, 2014
did not serve most people the best of luck. Trust
me, I do not intend to be a prophet of doom, but
the upcoming year is not going to be a joke either.
It is not going to have anyone stick their asses at
one place expecting to be served a pot of soup.

I realised one thing in 2014. And that is, many
people lost their guards and gave up in the trying
times of the economy. Shops and businesses
closed down as people gave up on their dreams.
The burden was so huge to bear, I guess.
You know what? That kind of spirit will not take
you far in 2015 if you share similar behavioural
pattern. Like its been said time without number;
quitters never win. In like manner, your purpose
and aspirations should not be made to die.
So how to kick start 2015??? Here are a few steps.
1. Visualize: Where do you want to be in the
coming year? Imagine yourself in that place where
you want to be. Forget about how. Draw a plan on
where you want to be in your minds eye. Work
vigorously towards that mental picture and you will
experience magic.
2. Be aggressive: I bet you, the new year will not
tolerate you being hesitant about getting things
done. If there is anything to be done, be
aggressive about tackling it with all seriousness.
The early bird catches the early worm, remember?
3. Rule out to rule in: There may be a number of
attitudes, mistakes, friends, you would have to
erase from your life in order to take charge of your
life. To be your own ruler will require that you get
rid of anything that rules you. Restarting will
require new skills and better companions. Attract
just that into your life and maintain them for a
better future.
4. Seek help: Enough of taking charge. Sometimes
it is best to give others the chance to give a
lending hand in your life. When you seek help from
others, it makes things easier and you save enough
time and energy for other ventures. Ask for help
where your strength can not reach, then apply
other people’s expertise on your life’s mission,
then see how it goes. Don’t forget to keep trying
till it works.
5. Free yourself: Keep your life in motion. Allow
yourself to explore new ventures. For instance
learn various trades, skills and make new
influencial friends. This will make you grow and
you will become experienced. Be careful however,
not to become a jack of all trades.
Now these are a few things to go with. I will be
trying them out myself. Now… he who has ears,
let him hear what the spirit says. 🙂
Written and Composed by: Justica Anima