Inspiration comes from within yourself. One has to be positive. When you’re positive, good things happen.
-Deep ROY
The mind you possess is the most powerful tool you will ever use. Depending on how it is used, it can virtually alter the course of your life for better or for worse.
The mind has immense power to influence your emotions and actions as well as the quality of your life. Your mind is like a garden that has useful plants to grow and bear fruit. But when weeds overtake the garden, there will be little or nothing to harvest. Weeds here imply negative or toxic thoughts.
Your mind is a thought factory. Every moment it is generating millions of ideas. These ideas are either positive or negative.
To be a winner in life, you must make the sustained effort to generate positive ideas. This is because your thoughts become your reality. To put it another way, thoughts become things.
Bob Proctor, a motivational expert put it succinctly when he wrote: “Never under estimate the power of the mind. Persist in creating new thoughts to prevent falling back into negative patterns. It is an ongoing struggle and you have to commit to winning if you are to succeed.” There you have it. If you really want to be a champion in life, do not create a space in your mind for negative thoughts.
There is a small voice in your mind that is always telling you that you can’t, and if you believe this, it will play out in your life. It is this subtle voice that is secretly sabotaging your efforts to go after your dreams. If you don’t take immediate steps to silence this small voice, you will become a failure in life.
On the contrary, if you have positive thoughts to fire up your soul, failure and impossibilities disappear. Mind power can help you navigate the pitfalls of life and achieve what was thought to be impossible.
Take advantage of mind power to improve the quality of your life and the lives of the people who come into your world. When you have positive thoughts and a positive belief system, there isn’t anything you can’t achieve.
It is good to have that self-awareness that your thoughts can make or unmake you. A negative mental attitude will set you up to fail. A positive mental attitude will inspire action towards the accomplishment of goals.
In addition, beware of toxic people. Such people come to you with disparaging comments and remarks. They may tell you that you are not cut out for success. They always emphasize your weaknesses instead of your strong points. If you believe their lies, you will give up on your dreams.
Now that you are aware of the perils of having negative thoughts, it’s time to get your act together and replace them with thoughts that are more noble and wholesome to position you for success. Change your thoughts and change your world.
Successful people know that thoughts are things and they become our reality. They therefore cultivate the habit of having positive thoughts about the things they want first, so that they can manifest into their outer world. This is why having a success mindset is important.
They also use affirmations to reinforce their empowering beliefs about who they are. Affirmations are statements that are designed and introduced to the subconscious mind to flush out negative thoughts and beliefs to pave the way for your success. For example, “Money flows into my life effortlessly”, “ I’m a magnet for money.”
They also surround themselves with positive people. These are people who can inspire you to take action towards the achievement of your dreams or desired goals.
From this moment forward, begin to change the way you think and see things. You need to infuse your life with positivity. First create mental images of the things you desire before they can manifest as your reality. And always remember that ideas are nothing if they are not acted upon.
Your deeply ingrained negative beliefs would have to be replaced with positive and empowering beliefs. You have the ability to harness mind power to liberate yourself from poverty and launch yourself into the shining lights of success, achievement and prosperity.
Here is my favourite mind power quote from Earl Nightingale to conclude my thoughts: “Men credited with all kinds of ability, talent, brains and know how, including the ability to see into the future, frequently having nothing more than the courage to everlastingly at what they set out to do. They have that one great quality that is worth more than all the rest put together. They simply will not give up! When a man makes up his mind to do something then it’s only a matter of time. Staying with time take bulldog persistence. This seems to be the entrance examination to success- lasting success- of any kind.” Thanks for reading.
To your success with love,
Abundant Robert K. AWOLUGUTU
Dep. Dir. Of Prisons (Rtd), Writer and author.