A unique reality TV reality show “My African Love Reality Show with Efia Odo” will premiere on December 19, 2021 with a fascinating storyline about the thrills and chills of African relationships in the diaspora.
The 10-episode reality show produced by Kobi Maxwell is starred by the Ghanaian actress who engages 14 men in a huge mansion with weekly evictions as she searches for true love.
The male participants chosen from across the African continent engage in a series of in-house competitions as they seek to avoid eviction with the ultimate winner getting his chance to hang-out with the Ghanaian actress.
Speaking at a press-briefing in Accra, Kobi Maxwell said that the reality show was a unique reality feature that will entertain movie lovers considering the characters.
“Efia Odo was a perfect fit for this reality show with the objective of showcasing what transpires in relationships or marriages in various African homes.
“This is different kind of reality show with the aim of entertaining movie lovers without any erotic fantasies. It is very comical but very educational with regard to the intricacies of the African love affairs,” he said.
Efia Odo in her remarks at the presser revealed that the reality show was one of her favourite film features despite the stress that came along during long shooting sessions.
She was of no doubt that the reality show would keep audiences glued to their sets as they enjoy the thrills from her male counterparts.
Decorated Ghanaian actor, Chris Attoh would be the presenter of the show together with other casts including Andromeda Peter (Miss United States 2018/19) and Charlie Dior.