The Koby Maxwell Production Reality TV Show, dubbed “My African Love with Efia Odo” premiering has commenced at the Snap Cinema in the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) Head Office.
Top-notch Ghanaian and International celebrities are bid to herald the 6-days show thus from 19th to 26th December 2021 premiering that started on Sunday are Charlie Dor, Yvonne Nelson, Kwasi Atta among other great musicians.
Ghanaians can buy the ticket at the gate or grab one at Baatsona Total on Spintex Road, ETV Ghana, Foto store inside Palace Mall and Accra Mall.
Other sales points for the My African Love ticket also include YFM at the Accra Mall, Airport Shell, UPSA, Zenith University, as well as the TM Garage at Tema Comm. 10.
The tickets are going for a cool GHC50 per day and GHC200 for one and all four shows with a great red-carpet experience before the show.
Speaking in an interview with Koby Maxwell he said that the Premiering of the Reality TV Show will continue will run till Saturday, December 25, 2021,
He disclosed that the reality show took him and his team a good two years and expressed joy at the reception and turn-out for episodes urged Ghanaians not to mix out in the unforgettable experience and grab their tickets for the show still underway.
“I mean I’m glad that some of you are here to see something different. Something you have not ever seen before. I wish many Ghanaians came out but I’m glad that some of you are here to see something different. I’m excited because I have worked two years to give something to you and those who have made time to be here make me happy,” he added.