Home News N1 Interchange at Nkrumah Circle underway

N1 Interchange at Nkrumah Circle underway


cons1The N1 Interchange which promises to be completed in 2 years has began. Most of the traffic lights that direct humans in the Nkrumah Circle have been uprooted to make way for the new development. Bulldozers, caterpillars and other machines have been set to the grounds order to level the road for the intended purpose.

This is part of the numerous projects which the existing government intends to complete before?the end of its governance.?The roads around the former Nkrumah circle round about have also been partially closed with contractors directing the arising traffic.?People who use the road are also left akimbo, as?they are not sure which way to use.

Contractors however have to face the hardship of direct both human and vehicular traffic. A visit to the place will show a lot of dug grounds and “muddy water fountain”, as is sometimes the case as a result of drilling the ground.

Source?Justica Anima

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