I consider it dangerous for salvation seekers to use words coined by man, such as God, Jesus, and Messiah, which are unknown to the Most High One, in seeking to enter His salvation and kingdom.
It is in the light of all these thoughts that I deem it needful to write another preface?Preface to this Elohim Edition?to this book of mine. All through this current edition, Elohim, Yeshua, and HaMashiach have featured prominently. These are all further explained in the Glossary at the end of this teaching.
The red letter edition of The Bible, with all its many quotations relating to the Savior, his disciples, and angels of Elohim, seems to me to emphasize more falsehood than truth. The Savior, his disciples, and holy angels, are quoted to have said words they never did.
Listen to these quotations that English bible translators attribute to the Savior: Ought not CHRIST to have suffered these things, and to enter his glory?? (Luke 24:26, KJV); ?For GOD so loved the world, that, he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life? (John 3:16, KJV); ?This JESUS hath GOD raised up, whereof we are all witness? and ?I am JESUS, whom thou persecutest:? (Acts 9:5, KJV); caps mine.
In Matthew 1:20-25, bible translators would like to have salvation seekers believe that the holy angel of Elohim who was sent to Joseph, emphatically gave him the name JESUS and that, indeed, Joseph named the Savior as such when he was born! Is that not ridiculous and incredible?
Read the following statement that is attributed to Peter: ?This JESUS hath GOD raised up, whereof we are all witness? (Acts 2:32, KJV). Read this one also: ?Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? (Acts 2:38, KJV); caps mine.
I can say with all the certainty given to me by the leading and unction of the Holy Spirit of the Most High One who dwells in my spirit that neither the Savior, nor any angels of Elohim, nor Peter, ever uttered any of the words?God, Christ, and Jesus?they are quoted to have said in the above quotations!
I am certain in my claims simply because these words?God, Jesus, and Christ?never existed in heaven for angels to be instructed to utter, and neither did they exist in the vocabulary of Yeshua while he was on earth, nor of Peter, nor of any Jew in the days of the Son of Man, and hence were never uttered by anyone in Israel. Why then do English translators of The Bible attribute these words to them in direct quotes? Is this done in error or mischief?
One may ask: How about these same words?Jesus, Christ, and God?that are found in the very popular so-called Apostles Creed, that is recited on daily basis by many people who claim to be followers of the Savior; are they not words which came out of the mouths of the apostles of the Master?
No, they are not. The so-called Apostles Creed was formulated, in the name of the apostles, long after they were laid to rest in their sepulchers.
Someone decided to formulate this creed in their name and, by that, aimed to convince the world that it was good to exercise belief and faith in it, since it is supposed to carry the blessings of the apostles of the Master.
Was some supernatural being involved in this ploy to get the entire world within his grips, and to be deceived and taken away from the true way of entering into the salvation of the Most High One? I dare say this is so.
The fourth and last beast in Daniel?s prophecy in the book of Daniel is responsible for all this deception of the salvation seeker.
And he seems to have been extremely successful in his efforts as Daniel 7:15-25 foretold he would. Salvation seekers, somehow, seem to have taken their eyes off the ball and, by this, have given the devil the chance to deceive even the elect of the Most High One!
And all this work of the fourth beast in Daniel is linked to the Great Falling Away that salvation seekers have been warned of in Second Thessalonians 2:3-4 would come upon the whole earth. Contrary to the thinking of many salvation seekers that the great falling away is yet to come, it had hit our world a long time ago.
This falling away was, in effect, brought about in and by the preaching of false names for salvation by Satan and those he managed to take to his side.
Therefore, let salvation seekers beware of names and titles they have believed in their quest for the salvation of the Almighty since it is in the one and only one name?Yeshua HaMashiach?that the Most High One has vested all of His wisdom, power, will, and glory into, by which sinners can find deliverance from their enslavement to sin.
In order to make the teaching of this book easily understood by its targeted Christian readership, certain jargons of their faith, which have come from Greek sources, have been maintained in this teaching. The words ?apostles?, ?disciples?, ?baptism?, and many others, all of which are derived from Greek, are maintained in this teaching because of their popularity and acceptability with the target audience of this book.
Similarly, the words, Holy Spirit, copiously used in this teaching are accepted and understood by Christians, to be the same in meaning as the Hebrew word ?Ruwach??the Spirit of Elohim that the Almighty gives as a gift to all born again persons.
I hope this second preface and the entire revelations of this book, will bring you, dear reader, to the true way of the salvation of the Most High One?a salvation that is designed by Him to come to mankind, in and, by the name Yeshua HaMashiach and through one?s exercise of faith in this name, in a manner absolutely devoid of any so-called Sinners? Prayer or Prayer for Salvation recitals.
May the Most High One, bless you richly for your humility and patience in accepting the teachings in this book. Shalom.
Chris Bapuohyele
Dated this 7th day of September, 2013
Accra, Ghana.
Author Email: chrisbapuohyele@yahoo.com
Website: http://sbpra.com/ChrisBapuohyele
Editor?s comment: It is hoped that, by this publication, a very healthy and insightful debate will ensue from theologians, academicians, bible-believers, and all salvation seekers of biblical-persuasion, for the proper information of our readers. We, therefore, encourage readers to send us their comments, in support or rebuttals, to stir up the debate and for the information of readers.