Nana Akufo-Addo On Votes Stealing Spree


When presidential elections are over, votes are then counted before the results are declared. Immediately results are declared we see winners celebrating whilst the vanquished lick their wounds. And the rest is history.


If for any reason the loser feels cheated two opportunities are open to seek redress.? The first is to order a recount of votes at where the problem or problems are. The second option is for a re-run of elections in only the affected areas. We don?t throw results in the affected areas just to boost someone?s chances of ascending to the highest office.


We have zoomed in to the deceitful behaviour of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo which is littered all the 10 regions of Ghana. He lost the 2012 Presidential Election, but because he cannot stand the shame of being labelled as the twice defeated candidate, he rushed to the Supreme Court (SC) claiming he has been cheated.


So far he is challenging results in all the major polling stations nationally. And majority of the polling stations were won by President John Mahama. That is why we have stated over and over again that Akufo-Addo acted in bad faith by rushing to the SC and crying wolf when there was not even an anthill at his doorstep.


Akufo-Addo has made mountains of allegations ranging from vote padding, outright stealing of votes won by him and flipped in favour of President Mahama, over voting, voting without biometric verification, duplicated serial numbers on pink sheets and unsigned pink sheets by presiding officers.


But throughout the court proceedings we did not have one single incident where lawyers for Akufo-Addo were able to produce any concrete evidence to back their claims. All what they did was to produce a number of pink sheets which they did not even know the total.


Please glide through the analysis below and draw your own conclusions on the diabolical behaviour of a disappointed almost-president, Nana Akufo-Addo.



Western Region has a total of 2,619 polling stations. Nana Akufo-Addo is challenging results in 1,269 of those polling stations, representing 48.5%. Out of the polling stations being challenged, President Mahama won 1,144 (90.1%) leaving only 125 won by Nana Akufo-Addo (9.9%). The Bia West Constituency will suffer the most if the SC throws away the votes Akufo-Addo is contesting in court. Bia West?s votes of 39,486 being contested by Akufo-Addo represent 8.2% of the total votes being contested in court.


We have a total number of 480,122 voters involved in the polling stations being challenged by Nana Akufo-Addo in the Western Region. What it means is that, Akufo-Addo is calling the SC to throw away 480,122 valid votes in the Western Region.


If Akufo-Addo gets his wish, it means that 480,122 innocent voters who went to the polls to elect a president of their choice will see their votes thrown into the dustbin in order to pave the way for Akufo-Addo to become president of Ghana.


Nine (9) other constituencies that will suffer under the knife of Akufo-Addo if he should succeed in court are Sefwi Wiawso (35,975), Aowin (33,845), Prestia Huni-Valley (33,616), Juaboso (33,238) Jomoro (32,674), Bibiani Anhwiaso Bekwai (28,298), Amenfi West (25,638), Amenfi Central (25,248) and Elembele (25,113).



Nana Akufo-Addo is seeking to hurt some voters in the Central Region. To Nana Akufo-Addo, there are 459,004 voters in Central Region who do not matter. To Akufo-Addo, those men and women who went to the polls on December 7 and 8, 2012 to cast their votes to elect the president of the country are nothing more than nothing.


That is why he has asked the SC to throw away the 459,004 votes cast in the Central Region so that he will have his way of becoming the next president of the land.


Central Region has 23 constituencies and 2,199 polling stations. Akufo-Addo is in court challenging the results of 1,106 of the polling stations, which represents a whopping 50.3%.


Out of the 1,106 polling stations being challenged, President John Mahama won 953 (86.2%) leaving only 153 won by Nana Akufo-Addo (13.8%). When you look at the detailed analysis you could deduce that in the Central Region, Mfantseman Constituency will suffer the most if the SC throws away the votes Akufo-Addo is contesting in court. Mfantseman Constituency has 152 polling stations with 105 (69.1%) being challenged by Akufo-Addo.


President Mahama won 94 of the polling stations in the Mfantseman Constituency with Akufo-Addo winning just 11.? The total number of votes in the Mfantseman Constituency which Akufo-Addo is determined to see thrown away is around 44,823, which represents 9.8% of the total votes Akufo-Addo wants to be nullified in the Central Region.


This huge number of votes in the Mfantseman Constituency that Akufo-Addo wants to be thrown away is even more than the votes in the Bia West Constituency in the Western Region (39,486) that he also wants the SC to throw away to satisfy his desire to taste the presidency at all cost.


Apart from Mfantseman Constituency, others which will suffer terribly include KEEA (39,628), Gomoa West (32,276), Cape Coast North (28,501), Abura Asebu Kwamankese (25,593), Cape Coast South (25,212) Awutu Senya West (25,133), Gomoa East (23,861), Gomoa Central (22,444) and Agona East (22,388).



According to the Electoral Commission (EC) map or demarcation, the Greater Accra Region which boast of the national capital, has 34 constituencies which stretches from Bortianor Englisie all the way to Ada.


During the 2012 Elections, I happened to be one of the voters who lost some sleep and rushed to my polling station in the Ledzokuku Constituency to exercise my constitutional right to vote for both the parliamentary and presidential candidates of my choice.


But my attention has been draw to the fact that my vote would suffer because Akufo-Addo is demanding that 70,896 votes in my Ledzokuku Constituency should be thrown away by the Supreme Court (SC) for reasons best known to this sore loser who will not allow voters and to a greater extent Ghanaians to have their peace. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is demanding that 70,896 votes in my constituency should be thrown away by the SC in order to enhance his ill motive agenda of becoming president of the country at all cost.


The Ledzokuku Constituency happens to have 299 polling stations, the highest in the Greater Accra Region. But Nana Akufo-Addo has drawn his dagger demanding that results in 135 polling stations which account for 70,896 votes in the Ledzokuku Constituency should be thrown away by the SC.


It is interesting to note that out of the 135 polling stations under contention, President Mahama won 119 (88.1%) while Akufo-Addo won just 16 polling stations (11.9%). The total number of votes Akufo-Addo is asking the SC to throw away in the Ledzokuku Constituency represents 8.9% of the total votes in the Greater Accra Region that Akufo-Addo is challenging in court.


But you will be amazed to hear that in the Greater Accra Region, Nana Akufo-Addo has petitioned the SC to annul a whopping 800,061 votes.


Apart from the Ledzokuku Constituency, Nana Akufo-Addo is calling for the annulment of votes in Dadekotopon (54,769) Ashiaman (52,323), Odododiodioo (51,992) Krowor (40,494) Kpone Katamanso (38,506), Adenta (37,629) Ablekuma Central (36,310) Ablekuma South (35,618), Korle Klottey (34,881) Amasaman (30,997) and Madina (29,173).


All the 13 constituencies listed above are under Akufo-Addo?s siege and they stand to lose a whopping 547,230 votes if the SC agrees with Akufo-Addo?s bogus allegations and annuls the votes in these constituencies. Of the 1,940 polling stations in these 13 constituencies, Akufo-Addo is challenging 1,061 of them. Interestingly, President Mahama won 970 (95.5%) of them with Akufo-Addo wining just 91 (4.5%) of them.


When you talk about Akufo-Addo?s selective justice it comes to play in 14 other constituencies in the Greater Accra Region whereby all the polling stations in those constituencies being contested by Akufo-Addo were won by President Mahama.


We have Weija Gbawe, Domeabra Aboum, Anyaa Sowutuom, Trobu, Dome Kwabenya, Ayawaso North, Okaikoi South, Okaikoi Central, Ablekuma West, Tema East, Tema Central, Tema West, Ningo Prampram and Sege. None of the 266 polling stations in these 14 constituencies that are being challenged in court were won by Akufo-Addo. All 266 polling stations in these constituencies under siege in court were won by President Mahama.



The Volta Region has always been the election ?World Bank? of the NDC since Ghana resorted to multi-party democracy in 1992. The NDC do little campaigning in the region because of the huge support it enjoys in the region. Therefore, other political parties have enjoyed little or no comfort in the region in spite of how hard they try.


As a result, the NPP has always treated voters in the Volta Region with disdain. Do you remember Kennedy Agyapong, MP for Assin North, calling for the slaughter of Voltarians in the heat of the electioneering campaign without any provocation which later landed him in court?


Volta Region commands 26 constituencies with 2,277 polling stations. The NDC mesmerised all the parties during the 2012 Elections by winning all the constituency seats in the region with President Mahama wining more than 90% of the presidential vote.


But Nana Akufo-Addo has again descended heavily on the Volta Region by challenging the presidential results in 1,364 polling stations. Out of these polling stations, President Mahama won 1,332 (97.7%) with Akufo-Addo winning only 32 (2.3%).


And the total number of votes Nana Akufo-Addo is scheming to be thrown away in the 26 constituencies he is contesting in court amounts to 514,794. Five constituencies that will be most hit if the diabolical plans of Nana Akufo-Addo succeeds are Ketu South (50,984), Ho Central (48,685), Ketu North (34,038), Anlo (32,892) and Hohoe (31,246).


Voters in these five constituencies alone will suffer a total of 197,845 votes which represents 38.4% of the total votes Akufo-Addo is seeking to be invalidated. Why should 514,794 voters in the Volta Region lose their votes for not committing any electoral crime just because Akufo-Addo does not want to use the ballot to win the presidential election?


Perhaps Akufo-Addo thinks that the 514,794 voters in the Volta Region cannot vote in Ghana. He probably thinks those voters are not Ghanaian enough which is why he is calling for their votes to be thrown away for no justifiable reason.



Nana Akufo-Addo, who still cannot shake himself from the defeat he suffered from President John Mahama, who campaigned for only three months in the 2012 Presidential Election, knows how to dribble people on the political turf.


He is demanding that over 4 million votes of the 2012 Elections, which is touted as the most free and fair elections in the country, be thrown away in order for him to become the president of Ghana.


In court Akufo-Addo?s lawyers told Ghanaians that they simply want the electoral system in the country to be cleaned. But when the respondents read through the lines, they noted that the NPP has no intention of helping the country to clean the electoral system. The respondents noted that judging by the way the petitioners were making their pleadings; their sole purpose was to get some results overturned in order to pave the ?smooth? way for Akufo-Addo to march on to the seat of government.


Even though the respondents gave some analysis to portray that Akufo-Addo was relying on bad faith by selecting polling stations mainly won by President Mahama to buttress their case, the NPP has pushed this allegation back by claiming that they did not act on bad faith.


But a cursory look into the polling station results by region; however enhances the claim by the respondents that Nana Akufo-Addo is solely involved in selective justice by concentrating mostly on strongholds of President Mahama.


Akufo-Addo won just two regions out of 10 during the presidential election in 2012. They are the Ashanti and of course the Eastern Regions. If we zoom to the Eastern Region, we see Akufo-Addo?s bad faith and selective justice dotted all over the place.


One of the regions with more than 30 constituencies is the Eastern Region. In fact, the region actually has 33 constituencies and a mammoth 3,034 polling stations. But Akufo-Addo did just a gentle touch to the Eastern Region because apart from hailing from that region, it is the second region apart from the Ashanti that he won during the presidential election.


Out of this gigantic number of polling stations, precisely 3,034, Akufo-Addo is contesting only 874 (28.8%) in court. And even in the stations that he wants results invalidated President Mahama won 768 (87.9%) while he won just 12.4%).


Akufo-Addo cunningly selected mostly all the polling stations that President Mahama won in the Eastern Region and took those stations to the Supreme Court (SC) leaving intact the stations that he won.


Akufo-Addo, who could not win the presidency through the ballot box, wants as many as 286,278 voters in mostly NDC strongholds to lose their valid votes.

But unbelievably, Akufo-Addo has not been able to produce just one single voter in any of the 874 polling stations that he is contesting to support his bogus claims. Those who are bound to lose their valid votes must be very concerned because Akufo-Addo who was not there during voting time and was also not there during the counting and collation of the results, has grown a ?Third Eye? which he is using to deceive his supporters that in spite of the fact that he trained and paid 52,000 individuals to man all the 26,002 polling stations, they all went to sleep and allowed somebody to steal the election from him.


Ten constituencies that President Mahama garnered lots of votes from are on Akufo-Addo?s chopping board. The sore loser made sure that he selected all the polling stations in these constituencies which President Mahama won and loaded them with his unfounded allegations.


They are Yilo Krobo (32,573), Lower Manya Krobo (24,722), Upper West Akim (20,722), Afram Plains South (19,938), Upper Manya Krobo (17,3590, Nsawam Adoagyiri (13,461), Lower West Akim (13,316), Suhum (12,931), Afram Plains North (12,159) and New Juaben South (10,723).


These 10 constituencies alone will lose 177,247 votes if Akufo-Addo succeeds with his selective justice. And this huge number represents 61.9% of the total number of votes Akufo-Addo wants to steal from voters in the Eastern Region who did not vote for him.



Ashanti Region, the most populous, has been the bogey region to every political party save the NPP. That is their political ?World Bank?. Therefore without hindsight you can always say that if the NPP is contesting in Ashanti Region, it would win all things being equal.


If you shine your eyes on what happened during the 2012 Presidential Elections in the Ashanti Region and how Nana Akufo-Addo is protecting the votes in that region, you will be compelled to side with the claim by the respondents that he is involved in selective justice.


Ashanti Region commands the largest number of polling stations totalling 4,290. But Nana Akufo-Addo is challenging only 618 (14.4%) of those polling stations in court.


It may interest you to note that out of the 618 stations being challenged by Nana Akufo-Addo, President Mahama won 526 (85.1%) of them while he won only 92 (14.9%). But most of the stations in Ashanti Region that Akufo-Addo did not touch have the same basic problems of unsigned pink sheets and duplicate serial numbers on pink sheets.


We have ten constituencies which President Mahama got a lot of votes from being contested by Akufo-Addo. They are Asawase (40,023), Ofirikrom (16,966), Ejura Sekyeredumase (15,462), New Edubiase (14,109), Kwabre East (11,279), Adansi Asokwa (11,118), Ahafo Ano North (10,879), Ofinso South (10,488), Asante Akim South (9,366) and Old Tafo (8,094).



The myopic and selective justice train of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the disgraced twice defeated presidential candidate of the NPP, has hit the corridors of the Brong Ahafo Region, where he is asking the Supreme Court to destroy 369,062 valid votes in order to enhance his diabolical march towards the seat of government.


The hatred that Nana Akufo-Addo has for the voters in the Brong Ahafo is so pronounced that he is challenging results in 1,163 (41%) polling stations out of the total of 2,788. Brong Ahafo Region currently has 29 constituencies but Akufo-Addo is virtually challenging votes in every single one of them.


When you zoom in on Akufo-Addo it does not take long for you to determine that out of the 1,163 polling stations he is contesting in court, President Mahama won 1,028 (88.4%) while he Akufo-Addo won only 135 (11.6%).


Ten (10) constituencies in the Brong Ahafo Region will suffer the most under Nana Akufo-Addo?s dagger if the SC invalidates the results he is seeking to steal in court. The constituencies are Kintampo North (25,904), Techiman South (25,603), Asunafo North (19,807), Atebubu Amantin (18,896) Nkoranza South (18,791), Jaman North (18,166), Asutifi South (16,988), Wenchi (16,916), Pru East (15,820) and Techiman North (15,215).


It is important to add that the 10 constituencies under Akufo-Addo?s blockade have 192,106 votes which he is actively coveting. The huge number of votes in the above 10 constituencies constitute 52.1% of the total votes in the Brong Ahafo Region that Akufo-Addo wants to steal from the voters.


The people or voters in the Brong Ahafo Region have done nothing to deserve their 369,062 votes being stolen from them by Nana Akufo-Addo. This is unacceptable and does not make sense. Those affected voters voted for the candidates they wanted. Therefore, Akufo-Addo cannot use backdoor lies and manoeuvrings to steal 369,062 votes in the Brong Ahafo Region in order to become a backdoor president.



Qualified voters in the Northern Region who went to the 2,391 polling stations to vote on Election Day in December 7 and 8, 2012, may be thinking that they satisfied all what was required of them by the Electoral Commission (EC). The region has 31 constituencies in all.


But Nana Akufo-Addo thinks otherwise. To Akufo-Addo, if he does not destroy 454,904 votes in the Northern Region, he cannot ascend the presidency through the backdoor since he can never win any presidential election through the ballot.


That is why Akufo-Addo believes that the 454,904 valid votes in the Northern Region are garbage and therefore must be tossed by the Supreme Court in order to enhance his chances of becoming the president at all cost.


Nana Akufo-Addo is challenging results in 1,175 polling stations in the Northern Region. President Mahama won 1,054 (89.7%) of the polling stations under contention while Akufo-Addo won just 121 (10.3%).


Nana Akufo-Addo will rob Tamale South Constituency of 34,999 votes if he succeeds in court. This huge number of votes rounds up to 7.7% of the total votes in the Northern Region that Akufo-Addo is seeking to steal from voters.


Nine (9) other constituencies are also bound to suffer unnecessary and have thousands of their votes stolen from them by Nana Akufo-Addo if the SC grants his request in court.

The affected constituencies are Tamale Central (32,994), Sagnarigu (26,996), Yapei Kusawgu (23,220), Savelugu (21,613), Kpandai (21,396), Tamale North (21,126), Sawla Tuna Kalba (19,659), Karaga (18,189) and Kumbugu (16,758).


The above 10 constituencies have 192,106 votes that Akufo-Addo wants to steal. The huge number of votes in the 10 regions comes up to 52.1% of the total votes that Akufo-Addo is coveting in the Northern Region.



Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the man who has never won any credible national elections in the country, is on a suicide mission aimed at causing havoc and misery at all the regional polling stations in the country.


For your information, Akufo-Addo?s misery bus just zoomed into the Upper East Region and word has it that he is looking to crush 121,041 valid votes cast in the region by Ghanaians, who like him, have the constitutional mandated right to vote.


The Upper East Region has 1,136 polling stations with 15 constituencies. But can you believe that Akufo-Addo?s selective cut and paste strategy has again compelled him to challenge valid votes cast in 332 polling stations in the Upper East Region?


Incredibly, all the 332 polling stations Akufo-Addo is hunting down were won by President John Mahama. Not a single polling station being contested by Akufo-Addo was won by him.


Interestingly, we have 1,136 polling stations in the Upper East Region. And majority of the polling stations Akufo-Addo has left untouched have some of the same administrative errors which drove him to the Supreme Court (SC), but because the votes he won in those polling stations were sizeable, he deliberately left them out.


Again, this is the mark of a desperate desperado who even before the final determination of the SC petition case has started forming his disillusion cabinet.


The Upper East Region has 10 big constituencies, but unfortunately they have become the target of Akufo-Addo?s diabolic mission. Voters in these 10 constituencies are bound to suffer as their valid votes will be tossed into the huge garbage truck sitting behind Akufo-Addo?s residence at Nima in Accra if the SC agrees with his bogus allegations.


The 10 constituencies are Bolgatanga Central (18,117), Zebilla (15,219), Chiana Paga (11,992), Bongo (10,459), Navrongo Central (9,318), Talensi (9,097), Tempane (7,811), Pussiga (7,406), Bawku Central (6,266) and Binduri (5,369).


The above 10 constituencies? command 101,054 (83.5%) of the total votes that Akufo-Addo wants to steal from valid voters in the Upper East Region. And can you believe that this serious crime does not bother Akufo-Addo because none of the polling stations that he is contesting in court were won by him.



The Upper West Region is by far the smallest region in terms of population size. It, therefore, has only 11 constituencies with Wa Central having 132 polling stations which constitute the largest in the region.


The total number of polling stations in the Upper West Region is 945. But in spite of its small population size,? Akufo-Addo does not care but has landed at the region with the sole aim of stealing 181,548 votes from valid voters in order to enhance his diabolical change of winning the presidency at all cost.


Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the man who perhaps has been destined not to be president of mother Ghana, plunged his danger into Upper West Region and took 590 polling stations to court, demanding that 181,548 votes be thrown away due to administrative errors which were not caused by valid voters in the region but by presiding officers of the Electoral Commission.


What should give people in the Upper West Region cause for concern is that out of the 590 polling stations that Akufo-Addo is contesting in court he won only 36 (6.1%) with President John Mahama winning 554 (93.9%).


The seven (7) constituencies in the region which will lose majority of the votes if Akufo-Addo?s pleadings are granted are, Wa Central (48,940), Wa West (19,433), Nadoli Kaleo (16,965), Wa East (15,792), Lawra (15,790), Nandom (15,162) and Jirapa (13,662).


The 7 constituencies under Akufo-Addo?s siege are bound to lose votes totalling 145,748 (80.3%) if his bogus, unreliable allegations that are not backed by hard core evidence on the ground are heeded to by the nine Justices sitting on the case at the Supreme Court (SC).


We have Akufo-Addo again demonstrating to the whole world that he is determined not to allow anybody or any voter to stand in his way in his zealous quest to become president at all cost.


It is about time we start demanding some answers from Akufo-Addo. He went to the SC believing that they have the capacity to give fair judgement. Therefore, it does not make sense that Akufo-Addo is yet to make any pledges concerning the final outcome of the case. Ghanaians must shine their eyes on this man. Akufo-Addo truly does not believe in himself, therefore, he may not accept the outcome of the case if it goes against him.

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