Voice of the People with Disability Ghana (Voice-Ghana), a Ho-based disability rights advocacy NGO, has resolved to assume the capability of a leading disability rights advocacy think-tank in Ghana in the coming years.
The thrust of the organization?s operations would be to ensure an inclusive and equitable society for all persons with disability.
The corporate resolution was adopted at Voice-Ghana?s 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Ho on Sunday.
A total of 100 delegates representing various disability groups across the region attended the meeting.
Francis Asong, Director of Voice-Ghana said the NGO expected to achieve target through capacity building, research and networking, among others.
The meeting approved the NGO?s 35-page strategic plan, which would drive its operations till 2018.
Mr Asong said the main programme during the period would be the generation of incomes for members, individuals and groups to ease reliance on the statutory 2 per cent of District Assemblies Common Fund (DACF) earmarked for disability issues.
The meeting also approved new management procedures, some of which gave cheque signatory rights to management staff to facilitate work.
An audited account for the year 2013 was presented and a new Voice-Ghana website launched.
Mr Asong said Voice-Ghana was a corporate body, following best international practices hence the need for the AGM.
Some of the projects undertaken by Voice-Ghana in the past few years include Inclusive Education Project which ?seeks to ensure pupils with disabilities in the Ho and Nkwanta districts receive good quality education in an inclusive environment?.
Another is a Mobility Project, which supplies People with Disabilities with calipers, artificial limbs and corrective surgery.
The NGO, with US$99,759 from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), is working to increase the voice of the marginalized and socially excluded People with Disabilities from 10 districts in the Volta Region.
Another political programme is a STAR-Ghana funded advocacy project on democratic governance for Persons with Disabilities in the Adaklu and Agortime-Ziofe districts.
The meeting called for the provision of access ramps at all public places and adequate funding for the Special Education Unit of the Ghana Education Service (GES).