A Dishonest NPP-APC has gravely lied to the people of ADA.
The people of Ada were amazed to hear plainly an NPP Aspiring Parliamentary Candidate, Dodzi Numekevor, lie between his teeth with palpable absurdity about Electrochem Ghana Limited.
An advice to Dodzi is that if he wants to talk about Electrochem, he should talk about its job creation, employment and development. He should also talk about the president’s wishing to create jobs in Ada, which was why he speedily came to inaugurate the project, and associated with the bravery of McDan as the icon of job creation, an icon of necessity at the time when Africa is going down. We are running to IMF for support, meanwhile an indegene, more so, a GaDamgbe has put over $88 million into a project – a feat which nobody has done from time immemorial. We are all complaining Ghana is going down. But if Ghana is going down, why are politicians like Dodzi dragging businesses down the more. How can Npp aspirant like Dodzi, with Electrochem in his constituency, be whipping public emotions with lies? Electrochem has provided 3000 jobs already, if it collapses, as Dodzi and his NPP herulis wish, they might kill 3000 jobs.
A question to Dodzi is that, can he create 3000 jobs in three years as a politician? Lazy politicians, like Dodzi, who wait for political appointment to become somebody will end up creating hunger in Ada. Dodzi and his political herulis in NPP can’t pull a project like Electrochem down in the name of politics – he can’t drag the social and economic developments in Ada down because of politics. As a parliamentary aspirant, he must rather support the great endeavours of Electrochem even if McDan is his worst enemy.
How can Dodzi lie against a project that his President commissioned because he wants to go to parliament? He is binging on the ignorance of the few against the president’s one-district-one-factory agenda.
Dodzi must not forget to consider that Electrochem is IMF located in Ada and Ghana.
Dodzi Numekevor wasn’t only ready to lie but he is a pathological liar and has no sense or conscience to the effect that he is accountable to the public, and therefore, must be speaking the truth at all times. This is a deadly politician who wants to become NPP-PC for Sege without being mindful of his moral and ethical responsibilities. He lacks simple diplomacy in communication. His saying on Korli Radio that Electrochem hasn’t brought any developments to Ada is a clear indication that Dodzi Numekevor has lost touch with Ada and has no basis to join in NPP primary and contest to be an NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Sege. Clearly, he is one of the NPP biased beasts that have been using some NDC’s politicians in Ada to funfool the people of Ada with lies against Electrochem. Thank God, he has been smoked out and sooner, all other NPP appointees who act as saboteurs, thereto, and cannot control their hidden animosity against McDan’s investments in Ada shall be exposed. The people of Ada are good people and hate lies and pretenders.
Dodzie is so much political poison that the people of Ada must spew him out before he turns lovely Ada into a chaotic and an economically regressive enclave. His own people, NPP, must reject him because he has proven, with his recent comments against Electrochem, that he is a confusionist, a destroyer, and a non-unifier.
Dodzie is a traitor and a betrayer to the cause of his own party. When President Nana Addo is singing the praises of Electrochem for its massive social interventionist programmes, Judas Dodzie is fabricating lies stabbing his master in the back by saying Electrochem has done nothing for Ada.
Dodzie has shown his goatish nature to the world because while his colleagues like Hon Jinapor and Hon KT HAMMOND are busily counting the blessings of Electrochem to the people of Ada and Ghana at large, he is busily engaged in purile politics of propaganda and proliferation of falsehood. In fact, his vicious comments against Electrochem is a stark insult of the intelligence of all NPP’s ministers who are in support of the investment of Electrochem and the unprecedented corporate social responsibilities being carried out in Ada.
Dodzie is washing his own dirty political linen in public by trying to thwart the good efforts of Electrochem. He would have earned much respect from both NPP and NDC if he had displayed a sense of objectivity in his recent comments by giving praise where praise is due and providing suggestions for improvements. He has cast a snare at his own personage, and the faster he redeems his image, the better for his political career. For it is a mirage to think that you’re powerful enough to turn tables round simply because you are the Head of Public and Information, Ghana High Commission, UK. What an impudence! What a fallacy! It’s about time politicians stopped playing with the emotions of the people of Ada and learned to speak truth, for truth will take us home.
Osofo Dr Nii Naate Atswele Agbo Nartey
(Community Support Specialist)