On COP’s First Ever Food Day, Farmers, Indigenous Leaders Launch a Shared Manifesto


At the Food, Agriculture and Water Day on 10 December, the first time food is featured for a thematic day at COP, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions will bring together a broad coalition of farmers and fishers, researchers, business leaders, and all those engaged in food systems to launch a shared call to action for ‘Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate”.

The call to action, to be signed by more than 100 Non-State Actors (NSAs), will call for urgent action to address rising hunger and collectively transform food systems to deliver significant, measurable progress for people, nature and climate by 2030.

This event is being organized by the COP28 Presidency and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, facilitated by Gonzalo Muñoz, High-level Champion for COP25. It will bring together more than 100 farmer, Indigenous and other frontline community leaders from North and South America, Africa, Asia and Europe who traveled to COP28 to remind negotiators of their central role to achieving inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems and to demand an equal seat at the decision-making table. Farmer representatives will note that despite producing a third of the world’s food, small-scale family farmers only receive 0.3 percent of international climate finance to adapt to climate impacts.

WHAT: An event where actors from across the food system will, together, launch a “Call to Action for Transforming Food Systems for People, Nature, and Climate” that builds on previous work in food systems, which sets out the critical actions needed to transform food systems by 2030. The event will also showcase action already happening to implement the Call to Action, identify gaps, and feature announcements to support this transformation.

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