Home Headlines Police arrests 7 ‘jobless’ physician assistants picketing over delayed postings

Police arrests 7 ‘jobless’ physician assistants picketing over delayed postings

Police arrests 7 'jobless' physician assistants
Police arrests 7 'jobless' physician assistants

Newsghana has established that seven members of a group of physician assistants who were picketing over their delayed postings have been picked up by the police.

They have been taken to the Regional Police Command for breaching an earlier agreement over their mode of picketing.

Reports indicate that the Physician Assistants flouted the original agreement with the police which was to converge outside the Accra Sports Stadium and not to picket at the Ministry of Health.

“We were waiting to have some form of negotiations with leaders of the Ministry. So we were waiting to be called when one of the Police Officers came and asked if I am one of the leaders and I said No, and they called the other names and said the police command wants to see them at the Police station,” Stephen Conduah explained to the media.

According to the group, there have been delays in processes by the Ministry of Health to ensure that they are posted to health centres across the country.

Years after years, physician assistants who graduate from various health institutions have called on authorities to post them after school, but it seems their demands have always fallen on deaf ears.

They have at times protested to further drum home their demands.

The jobless health professionals stage protest at the Ministry of Health to demand immediate employment.

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