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To Recycle Or To Reuse

To Recycle Or To Reuse

PlasticBales_0Reuse is when a newly purchased product is put to another use after the first use is complete. In other, it is using an item for the same purpose for which it was used or for another purpose. Recycling is however, the processing of used materials into new materials.

The two processes are well known waste management methods that are widely practised in several countries across the globe. Due to population growth and migration, persons are more likely to cause harm to the environment through pollution. However, the application of the two processes can reduce the likelihood of pollution on the environment.

First off, recycling will mostly involve seperating papers, glass, plastics,wood, steel and other materials which are waste so that they can be further processed into other useful materials. This method is effective in creating raw materials for industries and ridding the environment from unecessary pollution. Altogether, this method requires the availability of enough waste bins for the different range of materials as aforementioned.

Reuse also involves using something over and over again until it cannot be used anymore. For instance the use of a plastic bottle which initially contained water for a palm oil container in your kitchen. Another example is donating or sending out used clothes to an under priviledged for reuse. Reuse also avoids heavy pollution and littering. An instance where one will burn old newspapers which will generate smoke can be saved by reusing them as mulch in the garden. Also, polythene bags can be kept to be reused on another shopping day instead of throwing them around.

This two methods can be adapted in the moost filthiest countries in Africa with Ghana inclusive. This means that both methods can be used without needing to place prefence on one more than the other. For every household and township, these methods should be in place. Recycling should become a part of us, we must choose to seperate materials for the creation of new products. This is a caution to my beloved country. The filth is becoming immense. Waste management is becoming sort of old fashioned in the smaller communities which is having effects on the whole nation. Town councils, we miss your frequent unannouced visitations and subsequent fines. We can make it all happen if only we will decide to recycle and reuse more efficiently.

Justica Anima.


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