Rejoinder: Stop Actionaid Racism Against Africans


Dear Editor,

I am writing to you regarding the article STOP ACTIONAID RACISM AGAINST AFRICANS published on your website this week. See article here:

In the interest of fair and accurate reporting, under the globally recognised journalistic convention ?the right to reply?, we are asking that you also include in your article a response from ActionAid. Please see below our statement in our chief executive?s name:

Joanna Kerr, ActionAid Chief Executive says:

?Dede Amanor-Wilk?s contract was terminated as a last resort following an extremely thorough internal management and board process lasting several months. During this process she was consulted regularly and encouraged to seek any appropriate legal support. To provide more details would be both against the law and proper employment practice.

?Dede?s termination was not based on race. ActionAid prides itself on equal opportunities and its commitment to end poverty and all forms of injustice. Africans represent a major part of our leadership in senior management, the International Board, and the International Assembly. We are the only large international development organisation with our head office in Africa, with international secretariat offices in Asia, the Americas and Africa.?

Best Regards
Natalie Curtis
International Media Officer and Editor
ActionAid International

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