Residents of Gwira demonstrate over bad roads 

Social Road Demonstration
Residents in the Gwira Traditional Area

Residents in the Gwira Traditional Area in the Nzema East Municipality of the Western Region have embarked on a demonstration to express their displeasure at the deplorable state of roads in the area. 

According to them, the poor nature of the roads connecting the various communities was making life difficult and unbearable for residents in the area.

Clad in red, the protesters walked from Gwira-Eshiem through to Asuawa and Amgbrazee to Bamiango and ended at Gwira-Aiyinasi.

Speaking to journalists during the protest, Mr Adjei Daniel, a former Assembly Member for Bamiango, said the deplorable nature of the roads were affecting progress in the area.

He said the situation had compelled commercial drivers to charge astronomical fares from passengers.

Nana Addae Blay V, Tufuhene of Asuawa, said they embarked on the demonstration to draw the government’s attention to the need to fix their roads.

He said: “This demonstration is a tip of the iceberg and if no concrete action is taken by the government and companies in the area to put the road in good shape, we shall organize a massive demonstration to demand our fair share of national development”
Nana Blay V lamented that despite the Gwira area’s significant contributions to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) with massive cocoa production and rubber plantation among other food and cash crops, little development was seen in the area.

He, therefore, appealed to the authorities to extend development projects like good roads to the area to help improve upon their socio-economic activities.

The Queen Mother of Asuawa, Obahyema Favour, said the poor nature of the roads had given rise to maternal mortality in the Gwira area.

She said the nature of the roads made it difficult for pregnant women to access health facilities, saying the situation resulted in some losing their lives during emergencies.
She also called on authorities to institute measures to help resolve the challenge to help bring relief to the people.

Nana Djukom II Chief of Gwira-Wiawso, said his area had been plunged into darkness the past days, and appealed to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to resolve all underlying challenges to restore power in the community.

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