Home Opinion Rethink Youth Migration and Intercultural Relations In the Wake of US Protests

Rethink Youth Migration and Intercultural Relations In the Wake of US Protests

Protesters gather at the scene where George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, was pinned down by a police officer kneeling on his neck before later dying in hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the US [Eric Miller/Reuters]

We are all witnesses to the recent human rights violations and racial discrimination in the United States. Most of these discrimination have been subtle and the black community have gone ahead to tolerate it on several occasions. The recent killings of some key members of the black society has led to protests amid police brutality in the country.

Permit me to let in my two cents opinion on the matter at hand. You see, the over 400 years of slavery and migration of black ancestors into Europe may have been no fault of theirs. What matters now is how most people are moving in to the US and other European countries in search for better opportunities.

This is becoming a growing trend. I must say that the US, UK, and other countries which see many travelers coming in on a daily basis is not a wrong thing to do. However, the many people who travel into those countries through illegal ways are half of the problem which we are currently dealing with.

The many skilled personnel who troop into ‘well developed’ countries are the reason why we are at this crossroads. If you ask me, it is about time we try and rethink how the black community relate with their white counterparts for mutual benefits and not for war.

Several meetings and partnerships from cross cultural relations has greatly benefited the world at large. Major inventions have seen different groups of people from different backgrounds working on teams to bring about major changes in some sectors of the global economy.

Dr. Benjamin Carson, one of the world’s greatest neurosurgeons, is a typical black man who rose through the ranks by working throughout some of the most hateful racial discriminations one could ever think of. Perhaps what set him apart was he looking beyond whatever discrimination laid before him and channeling his frustrations into becoming one of the best scientists.
In our quest to maintain a positive balance within several nations both developed and underdeveloped, Africans must be able to stand up for themselves and not give in to any forms of violations on their rights. We should start with fostering healthy conversations through global dialogues and maintaining a positive world outlook for the world to admire. We must be black and proud even with our dealings with other foreign nationals.

Veteran journalist, Elizabeth Ohene, puts it in a better perspective in a recent article titled, I Can Breathe Here, when she wrote, “All those young couple who go to such lengths to make sure that their babies are born in US, so their children will have better opportunities, will now recognize that maybe these children are George Floyd’s who ‘can’t breathe’ under the knee of Officer Derek Chauvin.”

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