Rihanna saw her Instagram account suspended after she shared a racy photo on Tuesday. The shot of the 26-year-old singer showing off her naked derriere by a swimming pool violated the social media site?s rules. For several days all that could be seen when clicking on her badgalriri page was the note Page Not Found.
But on Monday her account was back up. That risqu? shot was missing, however.
lui. #Sorrenti pic.twitter.com/qjk8elTp9b
? Rihanna (@rihanna) April 29, 2014
This was all that was seen over the weekend: When the 26-year-old?s Instagram account was frozen, the message Page Not Found came up
The shot of the Diamonds singer?s naked backside was from a photo shoot with French magazine Lui. The Grammy winner also shared a shot of her backside covered only by a black thong as she sat on the edge of a swimming pool dive board. That image appears to have been taken down as well.
She appeared topless on their cover in a shoot by Mario Sorrenti.
Though Rihanna had shared the image, on Monday the cover had been cropped in on so as not to show her naked chest.
Will she ever keep her clothes on? Rihanna, 26, poses topless for French magazine Lui, out now
Source: dailymail.co.uk