Home Opinion Featured Articles Sammy Awuku Exposes Justices To Public Ridicule

Sammy Awuku Exposes Justices To Public Ridicule


This will turn out as the most disheartening news to the nine Justices of the Supreme court as they prepare to deliver their judgment on the petition case initiated by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the losing candidate of the 2012 Presidential Election, on Thursday August 29.


The comments by Sammy Awuku, a deputy Communications Director of the NPP, that he knows eight members of the justices who are going to throw the petition case in favour of the NPP, is something that will not be taken kindly by the affected justices.


Sammy Awuku puts the eight justices under the public?s microscopic view following those comments and anything they do from now till the date they determine the case will have different interpretations.


Even more worrisome was how Sammy Awuku mentioned the names of all the eight ?sympathetic? justices and sought to portray that with the eight justices behind them, the NPP could care less about Justice William Atuguba, the presiding judge, who he disparaged with some biting comments.


Sammy Awuku, who felt he was in a secure location told the meeting that Justices Akoto Bamfo, Baffoe Bonnie, Dotse, Adeniyira, Julius Ansah, Gbadegbe and Anim Yeboah and Gbadegbe believe in the case by the NPP and that they were all going to vote in favour of Nana Akufo-Addo to win the petition by 8-1.


Sammy Awuku, who was having a meeting with some NPP executives in the United Kingdom, told the gathering that the eight Justices who will win the day for the NPP, were sympathetic to the petition case being pursued by the NPP.


Buoyant Sammy Awuku stated that, ?It is true that among the nine judges, we also have at least quite a good number who are favourable to our cause and that is the only thing that has restrained us.?


Turning his heat on Justice Atuguba, Awuku, was emphatic in stating that ?if you will realize the attack has not been on the nine judges. It has been targeted at a particular individual.? This led to somebody at the meeting shouting, ?Atuguba?.


Awuku, then went on to say that, ?Let?s be very fair but because he doesn?t want to go down alone he finds a way of extending it to all his colleagues. But the target among the nine judges has never been Akoto Bamfo or Baffoe Bonnie or Dotse or Adeniyira or Julius Ansah or Gbadegbe or Anim Yeboah or Gbadegbe. It?s? been targeted?. Because if you have a president of a panel and its even 8-1, and you are the one dissenting, Jesus Christ, 8-1, and the president of the panel and when you see embarrassment starring you in the face you say Atuguba JJC dissenting on jurisdiction grounds.?


Sammy Awuku who also noted that things are looking good for the NPP expressed his happiness that one Nana Yaw has assured him that the place where they were having the meeting was secure.


He urged the NPP supporters to pray by saying, ?I don?t want to give any prediction but we expect to get a, a higher number amongst the nine. Let?s all pray and hope that nothing drastic happens, no one loses his life among the nine, which these people are quite, you know, are quite good at. Even a president can die and we can?t have any autopsy and all that and so that?s what we are only praying against that this case should also end well.?


Sammy Awuku went on, ?I do hope and pray that it won?t be business as usual, God willing, if the NPP wins this court case, which we are confident we will win. I pray that everybody gets his dream or her wishes someway somehow fulfilled in Accra. At least, the difference between politics and religion is that for religion, chairman, you are worshipping a God you are not seeing, that is only when you die that you are honoured.?


?But in politics, at least, you suffer on earth, the person should be able to get his reward on earth. Let our people also enjoy the benefit of us being in government so that when someday we go back into opposition, we all chopped some, we all must work.?


This is the myopic view of Sammy Awuku, who not only exposed the Justices to ridicule but also gave Ghanaians a peek into why he is into politics ? to come and chop mother Ghana clean.


Indeed Sammy Awuku has damaged the reputations of the nine Justices, and I bet he will not go scot-free. Also, he has loaded a heavy burden on the Justices as they look forward to dispense justice in this landmark case.


Sammy Awuku, who looks so desperate, is a dangerous guy to watch by the national security. He said it once during the 2012 electioneering campaign that he cannot afford to spend the next 4 years in opposition since his pocket is bound to dry out. So you can imagine how desperate he looks.


nakuakoduah@yahoo.com? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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