Home Health Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour Programme To Attract More Supply Of Domestos And...

Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour Programme To Attract More Supply Of Domestos And Vim

Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour
Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour

As the scare of the CoronaVirus now poses to be an important international and national health problem, political front runners, heads of states and government leaders are trying to find solutions.

But for the initiator of the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour programme, Emmanuel Olla Williams CEO of One on One Foundation and Dreamland Sports Plus believes some Ghanaian students are ready to overcome the charges of viruses and germs.

He is also happy that Unilever Ghana, producers of disinfectants who are the main sponsors of the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour programme have promised to increase the supply of disinfectants for surfaces around homes and schools.

Domestos thick bleach which disinfects surfaces around homes, kills germs, removes stains and prevents limescale, and the popular Vim, an all- purpose cleaner are the products that the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour organisers wish to use to educate Ghanaians on how to live in a hygienic environment and maintain the tidiness.

According to Olla Williams who is also the youth coordinator of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC), it is sad that the Corona Virus problem would affect many spheres of life, and should be wiped off on time.

He however welcomed the surprise news from Unilever to increase the supply of Domestos disinfectant and Vim to the Schools.

So far the Schools Sanitation Tour that have benefited students include Aggrey Memorial SHS and Mfanstiman Girls SHS.

Adonten SHS are supposed to have their turn on March 17 and 18, then the train makes a stop at Mamfe Methodist Girls SHS on March 19 and 20th.

Ofori Payin SHS will get their share on March 24th and 25th , then move on to Krobo Girls SHS on March 26th , 27th and 28th , 2020.

According to Olla Williams, the rationale behind the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour is to educate students on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.

He welcomed the government call for more awareness and eradication of the canker.

He recalled that in 2017, the president of Ghana launched the National Sanitation Campaign under the theme “Let’s keep Ghana clean; play your part” totally underscoring the importance of personal hygiene and environmental sanitation.

One on One Foundation initiated the Schools Sanitation Inspection Tour in 2004 with the noble objective of inculcating in the youth, particularly those in the Senior High Schools, good health habits.

Some of the activities at the Inspection Tour are Orientation, Vim Scrubbing and Cleaning Competition, Key Brilliant Washing Competition, Rexona Aerobics and Push-Up Challenge, Vim Inspection, Key Brilliant Drama, Rexona Inter-Houses Dancing Competition, Community Cleaning and Education as well as the Brand & Health Talk.

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