Home Opinion Featured Articles SOMEONE IS WATCHING



Just when you have the urge of doing something unworthy
When no shadows seem to be following
If the doors are all shut behind you
And the hustlers lay low for the want of rest
Pause and reflect again and again
For someone is watching

Lucy considered all hopes lost and her dreams shattered at the lost of her dad, her only caretaker.
Life with her uncle was so unbearable by each break of dawn. As she packed bag and baggage to embark
on a journey of escape,? she reflected on the cruel treatment she had suffered throughout her short stay with her uncle. She had even suffered brutal rape on numerous nights. “Unforgettable”, she thought to herself.

Prostitution was the? only option. Clad in fashionable craze and face paintings (make-up), and smoking cigar was the best choice for now. All through the night, she moaned and groaned beneath the sheet of greedy men who savor her youthful flesh with eroticism. Her groans and moans were never that of pleasure but of pain and anger. Someone had been watching all along. Yet, it was not obvious if he liked what he was watching or not. If he approved he decision or not. Then she began to ran away from her fears and indecision. Away from what appeared like a burden she could carry no more.

Lucy struggled in what seemed liked a wrestle for her spirit and soul. She was so soaked in sweat from her struggle and pain, and was panting for breath. It was all a dream. A revelation towards a future reality.
And indeed, someone was watching. HER DAD. And he smiled back at her, as she wiped a tear away.
The thought of his presence around her gave a relieving feeling and a feel of security and comfort.

There is someone always watching you from above as you wallow through this life in dream and uncertainty at what shall befall you in the morrow. A subconscious mind about this fact is what could help you sail through successfully.?Obey….?Believe……?and?Live.



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