The low turn outs in the previous District Level elections (DLEs) is a great cause for worry and needs a serious remedy and a national holiday to enable people travel to their registered polling stations to vote for their Preferred candidates.
The Democracy will be much more commended if we resolve to organize our General Elections once every four years to save us the cost and promote healthy Political relationships.
The Presidential, Parliamentary, MMDCEs, Assembly Persons’ and Unit Committee elections can be held on one day to allow us have some united front for development.
The Political Parties hold their elections for almost all the portfolios in one day at the various levels in our country.
There is pressure on the Presidential, Parliamentary and MMDCEs to get involved in terms of resources because it gives room for unhealthy competition.
The Local Government Act prohibits partisanship in the District Level elections but with careful observations it is clear that Political Parties have taken over this elections.
I am of the firm believe that if our Constitution is reviewed to accept this proposal it will be a land mark achievement in our quest to remain in participatory democracy.
Reports on Graphic online has the following as expressed by the EC,Boss:
More than 66,000 people are vying for assembly and unit committee positions in the upcoming District Level Elections (DLEs), slated for Tuesday, December 19, this year.
Statistics sourced from the Electoral Commission (EC) indicate that the contestants are made up of 18,755 assembly member candidates and 47,502-unit committee member candidates, bringing the number to 66,257 candidates.
They will be seeking election in 6,215 electoral areas across the 216 metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs).
Out of the 18,755 candidates vying to become assembly members, 6,215 will be elected to serve in the 216 MMDAs, in accordance with section 5(1)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462).
For the unit committee members, 31,075 will be elected out of the 47,502, given that each electoral area has five-unit committee members.
*© Daniel Dammir Laar (0208939855)*
Bunkpurugu-Nakpanduri District, North East Region, Ghana.
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