Home Business Stock Market Tomato (cooking) prices hit record high in Techiman

Tomato (cooking) prices hit record high in Techiman


Prices of the commodity skyrocketed by 150% (Ghc 1.15 to Ghc 2.88) at the wholesale trading level and 166% (Ghc 1.25 to Ghc 3.33) at the retail trading level over the week. The 52kg crate of tomato was selling at ghc 150 at the close of the week.  The Kumasi Central and Hohoe markets recorded high prices in the commodity over the week. In the former, wholesale and retail prices went up by 40% (Ghc 1.92 to Ghc 2.69) and 23% (Ghc 2.33 to Ghc 2.86) respectively, whiles in the latter the prices of the commodity went up by 25% at both trading levels; wholesale (Ghc 3.20 to Ghc 3.40) and retail (Ghc 4.00 to Ghc 5.00).

In the Takoradi market, whereas at the wholesale trading the price of the commodity went up marginally by 7% (Ghc 2.80 to Ghc 3.00), it traded flat at the retail level (Ghc 3.50).

Techiman market registers marginal increase in groundnut prices                    

Over the week, the prices of groundnut went up marginally in the Techiman market. Prices increased by 4% (Ghc 3.40 to Ghc 3.54) and 7% (Ghc 3.50 to Ghc 3.75) at the wholesale and retail trading levels respectively. However, the commodity traded flat in the Agbogbloshie, Bawku, Kumasi Central, Tamale, Takoradi and Hohoe markets over the week.

Download: Esoko Ghana Commodity Index week ending April 27

Download: Copy of Esoko Ghana Commodity Index week ending April 27 FINAL


Source: Bed Boafo /Esoko Ghana Commodity Index

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