Leadership of the Union of Professional Nurses and Midwives, Ghana (UPNMG), says it will revise some of its policies to address the concerns of teeming members of the Union across the country.
“Extensive surveys and consultations carried out across the country and among the membership, revealed that the nurses and midwives of Ghana want change in the direction of our policy formulation and implementations.”
The Upper East Regional President of the Union, Mr Apandago Mahamadu Musah in a statement copied to the media in Bolgatanga, said the decision was taken by the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Union to further improve on the welfare and comfort of members in good standing.
“UPNMG members have demonstrated great resolve for policies and welfare reviews and additions in policies, by insisting on more innovative and creative resolutions to the plight of Ghanaian Nurses and Midwives,” the statement said.
It further thanked members of the Union for their contributions, prayers and support to leadership over the years, and the practical demonstration of their resolve for change.
According to the statement, the UPNMG had a traceable track record, and gave the assurance that the Union would lead nurses and midwives in Ghana from the front with integrity.
The statement reminded members of the Union that the cardinal pillar of the UPNMG was integrity and professionalism, “The integrity and professionalism that allows every UPNMG member across the country to participate and benefit from practical based life relieving policies of UPNMG.”
It said the UPNMG offered nurses and midwives the opportunity to be brave and courageous, and to freely express constructive ideas, to add value to the policy formulation and implementation discourse of the Union.
“I urge all nurses and midwives to partner with UPNMG to make nursing and midwifery better and more attractive in this country,” Mr Musah in the statement said.