The world university Service of Canada (WUSC) now in Ghana has organised a one-day training for 16 patrons of girls clubs in the west Gonja district capital, Damongo on Thursday, 16th February 2012.
The World University Service of Canada (WUSC) is an international NGO that has been in existence since the 1920s but first came to Ghana in 1957.
WUSC globally works in 24 countries across the three continents of Africa, South East Asia and Latin America to achieve Millennium Development Goals.
Moreover, WUSC vision is to foster human development and global understanding through education and training. WUSC believes that “education changes the world’ thus its objectives is to provide education and training to improve livelihoods, balance inequities, integrate vulnerable communities, promote health and foster social economic development.
Nevertheless, in Ghana, WUSC works in the basic education sector with a special focus on girls’ education. It seeks to tackle the low aspiration and achievement of girls, promote access to education and retention of girls in school and provision of life skills training for Girls.
The training aims at updating, patrons of girls Clubs in the district. The training was on gender strategy, gender concept, advocacy and gender advocacy.
However, presently, there are 6 existing clubs in Damongo since its introduction in September last year.
The facilitator Ms Patience Gamado, the Senior Programmes Officer of WUSC Ghana, said the organisation aims at forming girls club in districts that have gender parity, such as Damongo, Sawla and Atebubu.
She explained that, gender is link with development, and the gender perspectives tend to focus on women because they are the more structurally subordinated and disadvantaged within the existing system.
Gender focuses on approaches, challenges the status quo because advocacy changes attitudes and cultural practices.
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