Petty grocers in Accra are raking in profits lately due to the surge in the purchase of Date Palm fruit.
Most Muslims eat the fruit when breaking their fast hence the high demand for the fruits of the date palm tree, which mostly grow in many tropical regions of the world.
Some Muslims are persuaded by the belief that eating dates fruit during Ramadan fasting drew them closer to the Prophet Mohammed and the tenets of the religion as well.
Dates, which is popularly called “Dabino” or “Dabinu” a Hausa word, in Ghana is a found mostly at Muslims homes and mosques during the Holy month of Ramadan.
When GNA visited some markets in Accra to find out how Muslims patronized dates fruit or “Dabino” during this month of Ramadan, a lot of patrons expressed their craving for it during the Ramadam.
Mr. Sulaman Bukari, a dates seller at Konkomba Market in Accra, says during Ramadan fasting period he makes a lot of profits than bitter Cola and Tiger nuts because it is the choice of most Muslims,
adding that the quantity he used to sell in a month has been increased substantially due to the Ramadan.
“Because of the fasting, I can sell three bags of Dabino within three days. People are buying it very well, and I’m making a lot of profits this month as compared to any other month,” he added.
Mr. Burkari said Islam believed that Prophet Mohammed ones used dates in breaking fast, so it was important for His followers to eat some too when fasted.
“as a Muslims we believed that the Prophet himself used dates to break the fast during Ramadan and it is a tree that is among all the trees that its leaves do not fall and comparing it to Muslims religion it is one of the symbols of Unity.”
Mallam Issahaku Karim, at Konkomba Market Mosque said eating dates add more energy to the body.
”eating dates energies the bodies and is easily digested which is good for the body especially someone who has fasted all day with an empty stomach can eat it first before drinking water or eating heavy food.”
Mallam Karim explained that dates or “Dabino” is a medicine that can cure night blindness because its content some vitamins, so what one needs to do is to apply date leaves on and around the eyes or better still eat the dates fruit orally.
However, some health benefits are derived from the eating dates or “Dabino”. According to research, dates can boost the immunity of the human body.
Dates contain an enormous amount of soluble fiber, and due to this, they can help promote healthy bowel movements as well as the easy passage of food through the intestinal tract.
Constipation could be treated with dates by soaking the fruits in water overnight and then eaten the following morning or crushed into syrup for significant effects.
Eating dates promotes brain health, however studies reveal that regular intake of dates may help improve the brain function. When dates are ingested, they work in the body system to inhibit the activities of amyloid beta proteins, which is associated with the production of plaques in the brain.
The natural way to improve bone health is the continued consumption of dates. Dates are excellent sources of selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium which play an important role in healthy bone development as they also prevent bone-related issues like osteoporosis.
Additionally, dates contain a significant amount of vitamin K, which coagulates the blood and metabolizes the human bones.
Research has shown that dates contain a significant amount of vitamins C and D, which are very essential in improving your skin’s elasticity and tenderness. The Vitamin C content in the dates fruit help in reducing the appearance of skin issues like wrinkles simply by inhibiting oxidation and blocking melanin from accumulating inside your body.
Additionally, dates contain vitamin B5 which is very helpful in dealing with skin conditions like stretch mark.
What is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar of the year, during which strict fasting is observed from dawn to sunset. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion.
Ramadan is a very significant time to eat dates as the Prophet said, “When one of you breaks his fast, let him break it with dates for they are blessed. If they are not found, let him break it with water for it is pure.”
Muslims believe that, Prophet Mohammed used to break his fast with juicy dates during Ramadan.