Dedicated to Ghana my peaceful homeland:
On the 6th?of March 1957, Dr Kwame Nkrumah was very optimistic in the impending freedom and peace of this beloved nation when he declared,???At long last, the battle has ended! And thus, Ghana your beloved country is free forever.?
What then can become of a country that has in all these years, kept to the words of our first father and founder???He also added that, ??? Our independence is meaningless unless it is linked up to the total liberation of Africa.? Yes, and I cannot agree less. Any idea what our independence has by far achieved for neighbouring African states? Kwame Nkrumah not just set the pace for Ghana, but for the whole African continent. With his initiative, Harold Macmillan, the British Prime Minister at the time (1960), supported his ideas of Pan-African unity, and three years later, 17 more colonies had gained their independence. Isn?t that amazing? And look how far we have come all these years.
Countries like Rwanda, Somalia, Chad, Congo, just to mention but a few have undergone various traumatic civil wars that cost them the loss of human resources and agricultural and industrial development. Beloved Ghana, we shall rise above such indiscipline. We shall remain awake to the beauty of our country?s smiling faces. No tears, no hunger, no inhuman killings, no guns, no wars! And when the guns are raised, and the weapons arrayed, civilians shall protest. For fear of breaking the vow we made towards peace on that said day of independence, we shall turn back against all forms of misunderstanding.
Hark! Let Ghana rise up to the challenge. The challenge of fulfilling a promise. A promise to defend the good name of Ghana. The good name of political independence, consistent absolute peace, and freedom from internal and external forces. We shall shed no more blood, for we have had enough bloodshed for our sakes. Just a little sense of unity, patriotism and understanding will get us there. No need for a coup or war. When the guns rise, there shall be silence forever and our good name shall wash away in shadows of uncertainty.
All the pains, death and struggles of the founding leaders must not be forgotten. The likes of the three veteran soldiers, the Big Six, the brave woman warrior of the Asanteland, the exiles at Seychelles and more cannot be disregarded and dishonoured for their love and sacrifice for the present generation. So what is our part as Ghanaians? To uphold the peace and harmony forever in our hearts and not trade it for the dogs. Let?s let the guns lie forever in their magazines, then we will raise our hands and proclaim, ? Yen ara yasaase ni?, literally meaning, ? This is our land?.
?If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes you partner?, says Nelson Madiba Mandela. That is well of an advice to our leaders, media, and citizens. I for one shall never lift a hand, let alone a gun towards my foe or friend. So help us Prince of Peace.
By Justica Anima,