Black is black! The french say ‘’Noir’’, the dutch say ‘’schwarz, the Italians say ‘’nero’’ and the spanish call it ‘’negro’’. In many other languages, black may have it’s own unique name but that doesn’t change the meaning and significance of the colour. Black is simply darkness or the absence of visible light. For many years in some parts of the world, black was used to signify evil or death and often has a negative connotation. These days, black is not just a colour of negativity. It is sometimes used for fashion and other stylish designs. Even in the corporate world, black suits are deemed the acceptable formal wears. In the world of shopping and online sale, black has over the years been largely regarded as a good colour. The irony is that, while the word itself sounds negative, it’s significance in shopping dispensations is just mind-blowing. Say hello to the most anticipated day on the shopping calendar. Ever heard of ‘’BLACK FRIDAY’’? Jumia Travel, Africa’s leading online travel website introduces you to this amazing festival. Black is not always bad.
If you are still wondering what ‘’Black Friday’’ is, don’t fret. Just relax! it’s not a day where many people died or a dooms day. It’s just a day (quite recently a period) in the year, usually in the day after thanksgiving. It is when shops and online websites bring their customers the best deals of the year. Mind blowing deals that gets the shopping world into a frenzy. Hotel deals, mouth watering meal deals and great reductions on all fashion as well as electronic items. This year, Black friday is on the 24th of November but for companies like Jumia, Black friday extends into December. What then is the primary importance of black friday? Why look forward to it?
1.Buy more – For customers, this period presents an opportunity to buy more for less. The whooping discounts makes it possible to buy items or book hotels that you would ordinarily not attempt to buy or book. Literally, your shopping dreams come true with black friday deals. For travellers, black friday is always a welcoming period as they can make xmas reservations to top hotels for as low as half the price of the hotel rooms. Flight tickets and other items are also very very low during black friday and almost everyone likes to take advantage. Throughout the year, you may have had plans of buying certain items but they have never been at the price you can afford. Black friday gives you the right platform to buy that item or book that hotel at just the price you want. Rather than book a few nights with the money you have saved, you can book maybe a week during black friday. Such are the benefits of this amazing shopping season.
- Save – What is better than buying more? Saving! Yes , that’s right. With Christmas coming right after November, you may want to cut down on spending to save more for the christmas holidays and the new year. If you were looking for an avenue to buy what you want and still save, then that should be Black Friday. The only period when you get to spend and save at the same time. Everything is cheap and if you don’t take advantage, you may regret later when everything goes back to normal. If you have plans of visiting your village or hometown, why not book during black friday? Summer is always expensive and even winter is worse. Before all prices go back to normal, you should take advantage and save big on amazing deals and packages. Go online and be on alert. Something big is coming this November.
Prelude to X’mas – Christmas is always a happy period but you only enjoy to the fullest when you have enough to spend or if you have prepared adequately. For families, Christmas is often a time when you strengthen the family bond and enjoy quality time together. Maybe, over the years, Christmas has been about staying at home with food and drinks. This year, try something different. During black friday, look through the amazing deals online , see which one you love the most and book while the prices are still low. You get the best while you save and prepare for an unforgettable Christmas. For shoppers, rather than wait for the Christmas period when prices go up, Black Friday represents a great prelude to Christmas. You can shop for the holidays at unbeatable prices. Shop more and pay less. Christmas just came early for you.
Increased traffic for retailers – So after talking about benefits to customers for a while, let’s switch a bit to benefits to the sellers or retailers. Due to the hype and euphoria surrounding Black friday, there is always an astronomical increase in traffic for retailers. Nearly everyone goes online or enters a shop to access one deal or the other. Everyone you ever wanted to view your product or take a look at your service will be online. Many first-timers will also be there looking for deals. Just like during elections, where there are floating voters, there will be new floating customers as well who have needs but have no specific shop or website to buy from. There is your cue! By providing amazing deals and mind blowing rates, you stand out and generate more traffic to your pages. When you have page views, conversion is fairly easier. When you don’t have a lot of people seeing what you are selling or if they are not moved by your deals, it’s less likely to make a bumper harvest during black friday.
Profit margins rocket – The fundamental aim of every business is to make profit right? This means that, whatever happens throughout the year, the books have to show a profit at the end of the year. Black friday helps you to do so. During black friday, you often spend less on marketing as compared to other months because during this period, customers are already in the mood and are in the hunt for deals. All you need to do is provide the deals and ensure they are attractive. Comparatively, sales are higher meaning you spend less and make more. Profit! Does that ring any bell? You see a steady rise in profits during black friday if you prepare well. During the year, sales can fluctuate and profit margins may not be as high but when Black friday arrives, retailers and sellers begin to smile. In effect, this is a win-win for customers who enjoy amazing products and services for outrageous prices.
November 24th, 2017 is black friday and the countdown is on. What are you looking forward to the most? Which hotel or resort have you dreamt about all year? This is your chance to enjoy great deals from exquisite hotels. Just go online now and make your choice. If you are planning for christmas too, you just got your gift early. You are welcome.
Credit : Bennet Otoo, Jumia Travel