My Encounter with an Ignorant Clergyman (Part Two)


By Chris Bapuohyele


Thanks be to Elohim that the apostles, after reflecting on this baffling issue of an empty tomb, were later brought by Him to understanding everything the Savior had told them about his sure-to-come resurrection on the third day after his burial (cf. John 2:18-19, 21-22).


Elohim led these apostles backwards, back in time from where they were, to when they laid the body of the Savior in the tomb, and then to the day they found the tomb empty, to believe everything the Savior had told them when he was yet alive, about the sign of Jonah (Matthew 12:39-40 and Luke 11:29-30) and of rebuilding his human-body, after three days of its destruction by wicked men (John 2:18-22).


The revelation of Elohim to the apostles of Yeshua about the actual time of Yeshua?s resurrection contributed in no small measure toward firmly and unwaveringly establishing their faith in Him as the worthy Messiah of Elohim and to their unflinching commitment to the spreading of the Gospel.


For these apostles, if they ever came to conclude that the Savior resurrected in the early morning of a Sunday, after being laid in the tomb at a sunset hour of the preceding Friday, they could never have had faith in Him as the Messiah of Elohim or dedication to spreading the Good News about Yeshua?s resurrection and of His sacrificial work for man?s salvation.


In fact, if the apostles ever came to have any evidence of a Friday sunset-burial and an early morning Sunday resurrection, they would have concluded that Yeshua of Nazareth was an imposter, a liar, and then would have agreed with Pharisees of those days, that Yeshua was a prince of Beelzebub.


This is because they would have concluded that Yeshua could not establish the proof to His Messiah-ship, as He emphatically claimed He would, in and by His post-burial resurrection on the third day, and then the Gospel for mankind?s salvation would have been still-born.


And if the apostles, who walked and talked with Yeshua for as many as four years, after all that time, ever came to lose faith in Him, who else, after these apostles, could ever believe in Him as coming from Elohim to do all what He claimed the Good Father had sent Him to do for mankind?


Fact is that, if Yeshua did not resurrect at exactly Elohim?s set time of three days and three nights after He was laid to the tomb, but did so at some other time, no matter how very close it was to Elohim?s set time, then mankind must believe that, there could not have been on earth a Messiah to save him from his sins; and mankind would have still remained in his sins.


In fact, all of the promises of Elohim, that He would send a Savior to come to deliver mankind from the power and dominion of sin and from the tyranny of the devil, would have remained unfulfilled if it were that Heaven and The Throne approved and went by this false Friday-crucifixion-Sunday-resurrection-account of clergymen about Yeshua; and, I dare say, that, mankind would have remained in his sin nature, to date.


And who at all would ever have believed Elohim in all He says, if He could not ensure that His own Word that the resurrection of Yeshua would be fulfilled in similitude to the event that characterized His prophet, Jonah, in the belly of the great sea fish? And if Elohim is not believable, can there be hope for mankind?


But then, who dare you try to make Elohim look unbelievable by your false teaching of wrong times, for events He had set by His power, authority, and timing before the foundations of the world were laid?


Sadly, after I had patiently explained all these grave but very clear issues to a clergyman who was ignorant of them, he surprisingly remained persistent in holding onto his wrong beliefs that the Savior was crucified on Friday and resurrected on an early Sunday morning.


According to this clergyman, this is all what ?all professing Christians? have accepted to be true, in and by the teachings of clergymen, for close to two millennia after Yeshua?s ascension to Heaven, and that these ?professing Christians? could all possibly not be wrong in their beliefs, for all these many years!


His stance, obviously illogical in a natural way, and without the backing of the scriptures, and of course not held by all professing Christians in the past or today, makes one very sad.


One must be sad by such beliefs of simple-minded clergymen because, it is all the revelations we obtain from the Word of Elohim pertaining to the person, mission, death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua of Nazareth, put together, that establish the sure foundation of the Christian faith.


The sure foundation of the Christian faith is all about who Yeshua is, where He came from, when, how and where He died and was buried, and about when He resurrected back to life according to the power, working, and timing of Elohim, the Perfect One.


And so, any minute inaccuracies, untruths, deceptions and or embellishments to the Holy Spirit-revealed crucifixion-burial-resurrection details of the Savior, will introduce pollutants into this foundation, and thereby render any imposing superstructure, subsequently laid on this impure foundation, incapable of standing the test of time and the scrutiny of Elohim?s Word.


The falsehood of a Friday-crucifixion and an early morning Sunday-resurrection has the capacity to pollute, and has indeed polluted the entire faith and practices of many people who seek the true and genuine salvation of Elohim that is only in Yeshua.


This willfully perpetrated falsehood of a Friday-crucifixion and Sunday-resurrection about Yeshua, has done the greatest harm to the Christian faith in post-apostolic history.


This falsehood in a Sunday-resurrection, has by itself, convinced many simple-minded salvation seekers to accept, believe, and act on the deception, that the day of the Lord has been changed from the last day of the week (Saturday) to the first day of the week (Sunday) by Elohim Himself, in honor of a so-called Sunday as being the day in which His Beloved Son won the victory over death in His resurrection!


The Day of the Lord Elohim, since Creation has been the last day of the week and is indeed the day of the resurrection of Yeshua of Nazareth as revealed in the Word of Elohim to salvation seekers and also shown in all clarity in my prepared Almanac of the Passion Week or Passover Week of Nisan, 30 AD, attached to the end of this article as Fig. 1.


Please study this almanac with a determination to know the truth about the days of the Savior?s crucifixion and resurrection. This almanac has clearly laid bare these days and will no doubt bless all diligent truth seekers who closely examine it.


Dear reader, I bet some being wants humanity to disobey Elohim?s Word and so has gone to great length to make unsuspecting and simple-minded salvation seekers accept and live by his falsehood that Yeshua of Nazareth resurrected on Sunday and that the Day of the Lord has been changed from the last day to the first day of the week, in conformity to His supposed Sunday resurrection.


This feat at deception of the salvation seeker, achieved by Elohim?s enemy, Satan, has polluted all the tenets and practices of the first century Christian faith. There is not one faith or practice of salvation seekers today, which dwells on a so-called Sunday-resurrection, which has the purity and power of the Christian faith of the apostles of Yeshua of Nazareth.


Today, mankind is living by names that sound like Moonday, Satanday, and Sunday, given by men to days of the week instead of those given by the Creator; in and by holidays that replace the holy days of Elohim; and in the celebration of the Lord?s Supper as their Sunday breakfast.


All of these and many others, salvation seekers are doing in zeal and without thinking if their faith in such things have the mandate and blessing of the Master, simply because that is what clergymen of the past, and those of today, have succeeded in misleading them to do! Oh how destructive is zeal without knowledge of Elohim?s ways and plans! How sad.


I encourage all salvation seekers to hold their leaders accountable to whatever they teach them, and challenge these leaders to show them how they may go back to the genuine and holy tenets of the Christian faith of the apostles ? the men who are blessed to have walked and talked with Yeshua of Nazareth.


And for those clergymen who are unable to aid salvation seekers in this, I cringe at the thought of their imminent denouncement and chastisement by Yeshua, the Master, and Lord of all lords, as not being in, and of, His workforce.





——————————————————————————————————————————————Chris Bapuohyele is a Bible-expositor and author of the book entitled: BEWARE OF THIS FALSE DOCTRINE of reciting the Sinners? Prayer for Salvation. His e-mail address is:


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